Physics of Atomic Nuclei -- November 2003
Volume 66, Issue 11,
pp. 1953-2102
Exotic Molecular States in a Strong Magnetic Field: H3(2+) Ion
A. V. Turbiner
pp. 1953-1963
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Zeldovich's Regularization Method in the Theory of Quasistationary States
V. D. Mur, S. G. Pozdnyakov, S. V. Popruzhenko, and V. S. Popov
pp. 1964-1971
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B-Meson Physics: CP Violation and Semileptonic Decays
I. M. Narodetskii
pp. 1972-1988
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Isospin Violation in Mixing and Decays of rho and omega Mesons
Ya. I. Azimov
pp. 1989-1993
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High-Energy Hadronic Interactions (20 Years of the QuarkGluon Strings Model)
A. B. Kaidalov
pp. 1994-2016
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Multi-Reggeon Processes in QCD
V. S. Fadin
pp. 2017-2032
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From Three Nucleons to Three Quarks
Yu. A. Simonov
pp. 2033-2037
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Spectrum and Regge Trajectories in QCD
Yu. A. Simonov
pp. 2038-2044
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Nonperturbative Mechanisms of Strong Decays in QCD
Yu. A. Simonov
pp. 2045-2050
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Is the Number of Light Flavors in QCD Great?
I. T. Dyatlov
pp. 2051-2061
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GhostMatter Mixing and Feigenbaum Universality in String Theory
I. Kogan[dagger] and D. Polyakov
pp. 2062-2069
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Monopoles and Family-Replicated Unification
L. V. Laperashvili, H. B. Nielsen, and D. A. Ryzhikh
pp. 2070-2077
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Gravitation Interactions at High Energies and Reggeon Scheme
O. V. Kancheli
pp. 2078-2091
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Quantum Gravity as Escher's Dragon
A. V. Smilga
pp. 2092-2102
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