Physics of Atomic Nuclei -- May 2000
Volume 63, Issue 5,
pp. 705-919
Rotational Bands in the 170Er Nucleus
E. P. Grigoriev and I. A. Gladkova
pp. 705-714
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Elastic Scattering of 800-MeV Protons by 20Ne Nuclei
Yu. A. Berezhnoy and V. P. Mikhailyuk
pp. 715-717
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Measurement of the Light-Nuclide Yield from the Photon-Induced Fission of 232Th
S. A. Karamian, J. Adam, A. G. Belov, Yu. V. Norseev, V. I. Stegailov, and P. Chaloun
pp. 718-723
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Parity-Nonconservation Effect in the Helicities of Conversion Electrons Accompanying the (5/2) --> (5/2)+ Nuclear Transition in the 229Pa Nucleus
D. P. Grechukhin[dagger] and A. V. Lomonosov
pp. 724-728
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BornOppenheimer Expansion: From Muon Distribution to Dissipation in Fission
F. F. Karpeshin
pp. 729-733
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Deuteron Form Factors for the Nijmegen Potentials
S. B. Dubovichenko
pp. 734-738
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Electron Charge Form Factors and Static Properties of Extremely Light 1p-Shell Nuclei within the Anisotropic-Oscillator Model Involving Projections
A. L. Savchenko, V. K. Tartakovsky, and A. V. Fursaev
pp. 739-751
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Level-Density Parameters in the Back-Shifted Fermi Gas Model
V. I. Plyaskin and R. A. Kosilov
pp. 752-757
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Semiempirical Formula for Describing Neutron Shell Effects in the Resonance-Level Density for s-Wave Resonances
M. Kaczmarczyk and M. Przytula
pp. 758-759
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Lambdaalphaalphaalpha Cluster Model for the 13 Lambda C Nucleus
I. N. Filikhin
pp. 760-766
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T Invariance and Polarization Effects in the Reactions p + 3He --> pi+ + 4He and pi+ + 4He --> p + 3He
V. V. Lyuboshitz and V. L. Lyuboshitz
pp. 767-773
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Sensitivity of Polarization Observables in Elastic ed Scattering to the Neutron Form Factors
S. G. Bondarenko, V. V. Burov, and S. M. Dorkin
pp. 774-781
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Analysis of Elastic ProtonNucleus Scattering on the Basis of the GlauberSitenko Approach with Allowance for Intermediate Excitations of Nuclei
V. I. Kuprikov and V. V. Pilipenko
pp. 782-794
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Cross Sections and Asymmetries for Elastic pi3He Scattering in the Energy Region around the Delta Resonance
M. A. Braun and V. M. Suslov
pp. 795-800
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Near-Threshold Amplitude of PionDeuteron Scattering: One-Loop Contributions
V. E. Tarasov, V. V. Baru, and A. E. Kudryavtsev
pp. 801-811
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Green's Functions and Strength Functions for Stationary Quantum Systems
S. G. Kadmensky and M. M. Lesnykh
pp. 812-819
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New Method for Measurement of a T-Violating Muon Polarization in K+ Decays
Yu. G. Kudenko and A. N. Khotjantsev
pp. 820-823
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Polarization in the Quasielastic Scattering of 1-GeV/c Protons on Light Nuclei
O. V. Miklukho, N. P. Aleshin, S. L. Belostotski, O. G. Grebenyuk, O. Ya. Fedorov, A. A. Izotov, A. Yu. Kisselev, Yu. G. Naryshkin, V. V. Nelyubin, A. N. Prokofiev, D. A. Prokofiev, Yu. A. Shcheglov, A. V. Shvedchikov, V. V. Vikhrov, A. A. Zhgun, and A. A. Zhdanov
pp. 824-833
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Multiplicity of Charged Secondaries Emitted in Association with Neutral Strange Particles in AntiprotonNucleus Collisions at 40 GeV/c
K. G. Akhobadze, T. S. Grigalashvili, L. D. Chikovani, E. Sh. Ioramashvili, L. A. Khizanishvili, E. S. Mailian, M. I. Nikoladze, and L. V. Shalamberidze
pp. 834-838
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Analyzing the Features of pi Mesons and Protons from AC Interactions at a Momentum of p = 4.2 GeV/c per Projectile Nucleon on the Basis of the FRITIOF Model
Ts. Baatar, A. I. Bondarenko, R. A. Bondarenko, B. Ganhuyag, E. N. Kladnitskaya, A. A. Kuznetsov, O. V. Rogachevskii, G. P. Toneeva, and V. V. Uzhinkii
pp. 839-844
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Proton Polarizability and Lamb Shift in the Muonic Hydrogen Atom
A. P. Martynenko and R. N. Faustov
pp. 845-849
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Cascade Transitions in Heavy Hadronic Hydrogen Atoms
L. I. Men'shikov
pp. 850-858
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Can HERA Data Improve the LEP Constraints on the WWV Vertex?
A. A. Likhoded and A. I. Onishchenko
pp. 859-869
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Searches for Electroweak gammaZZ' Interference at the LEP2 e+e Collider
A. A. Pankov
pp. 870-881
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On Some Rare Weak Decays of Vector Mesons
L. M. Kurdadze and Z. K. Silagadze
pp. 882-890
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Unitarity, (Anti)Shadowing, and Black-Disk Limit
P. Desgrolard, L. Jenkovszky, and B. V. Struminsky
pp. 891-896
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Structure of the Exact Effective Action and Quark Confinement in MSSM QCD
K. V. Stepanyantz
pp. 897-902
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Phonon-like Excitations of Instanton Liquid
G. M. Zinovjev, S. V. Molodtsov, and A. M. Snigirev
pp. 903-907
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Impact-Parameter Dependences of the Number of Interacting Nucleons and Mean Multiplicities in Heavy-Ion Collisions
C. Pajares and Yu. M. Shabelski
pp. 908-911
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Supersymmetry Constraints on the Neutrino Mass
P. A. Dalakishvili and G. G. Devidze
pp. 912-914
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Degenerate Odd Poisson Bracket on Grassmann Variables
V. A. Soroka
pp. 915-917
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Anatolii Filippovich Tulinov is 75
pp. 918-919
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