Physics of Atomic Nuclei -- April 2005
Volume 68, Issue 4,
pp. 549-722
On the 70th Anniversary of Yurii Antonovich Simonov
70th Birthday of Yurii Antonovich Simonov
pp. 549-553
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On the Nature and the Deconfining Transition in QCD
A. Di Giacomo
pp. 554-557
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Confinement in the AbelianHiggs-Type Theories: String Picture and Field Correlators
D. V. Antonov and D. Ebert
pp. 558-566
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QCD Sum Rules and Radial Excitations of Light Pseudoscalar and Scalar Mesons
A. L. Kataev
pp. 567-572
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Lower Dimension Vacuum Defects in Lattice YangMills Theory
V. I. Zakharov
pp. 573-581
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The Static Force in Background Perturbation Theory
A. M. Badalian and A. I. Veselov
pp. 582-590
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Effects of Perturbative Exchanges in a QCD String Model
J. Weda and J. A. Tjon
pp. 591-608
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Nonperturbative QCD near the Light Cone
H. J. Pirner
pp. 609-615
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Structure of the Gauge Fields inside Baryon
A. G. Bornyakov, M. N. Chernodub, H. Ichie, Y. Mori, M. I. Polikarpov, G. Schierholz, and T. Suzuki
pp. 616-623
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1/Nc Countings in Baryons
J. L. Goity
pp. 624-633
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Monopoles in Gluodynamics and Blocking from Continuum to Lattice
M. N. Chernodub, K. Ishiguro, and T. Suzuki
pp. 634-649
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Spectrum of HeavyLight Mesons in the QCD String Picture
Yu. S. Kalashnikova and A. V. Nefediev
pp. 650-660
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Why Breakup of Photons and Pions into Forward Dijets Is So Different: Predictions from Nonlinear Nuclear k[perpendicular] Factorization
N. N. Nikolaev, W. Schäfer, B. G. Zakharov, and V. R. Zoller
pp. 661-676
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Summation of Divergent Series and Zeldovich's Regularization Method
V. D. Mur, S. G. Pozdnyakov, S. V. Popruzhenko, and V. S. Popov
pp. 677-685
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Imaginary-Time Method in Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
V. S. Popov
pp. 686-708
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The Matrix Hamiltonian for Hadrons and the Role of Negative-Energy Components
Yu. A. Simonov
pp. 709-722
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