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Topographic Map of Long Island, New York
dc.subjectLong Island (N.Y.)--Maps
dc.titleTopographic Map of Long Island, New York
dcterms.contributorBien, Julius
dcterms.creatorFuller, Myron L.
dcterms.descriptioncol. map, 70, x 160 cm., dissected into two pieces.
dcterms.description`Engraved from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Sheets`; scale 1:125,000; contour interval 20 feet; `printed by Julius Bien Co., Lith N.Y.`
dcterms.provenancePlate II of U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 82,(`) Myron L. Fuller, Geology of Long Island
dcterms.provenanceScanned through Mylar by Northern Micrographics and saved as TIFF files. Tiff files converted to MrSID format.
dcterms.publisherWashington, D.C.: Government Printing Office
dcterms.rightsCopyright © 2004. Long Island Digital Books Project of Stony Brook University Library. All rights reserved. The accompanying digital object and its associated documentation and parts are provided for online research and access purposes. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and present this digital object and the accompanying documentation, without fee, and without written agreement, is hereby granted for educational, non-commercial purposes only. Stony Brook University Library reserves the right to decide what constitutes educational and commercial use; commercial users may be charged a nominal fee to be determined by current, commercial rates for use of special materials. In all instances of use, acknowledgement must be given to Long Island Digital Book Project, Stony Brook University Libraries, Stony Brook University. For information regarding acquiring a copy of this PDF file or original TIFF, please write, fax or call. Long Island Digital Books Project
dcterms.spatialUnited States--New York (State)--Long Island (N.Y.); United States--New York (State)--New York Region
dcterms.subjectLong Island (N.Y.)--Maps
dcterms.titleTopographic Map of Long Island, New York

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