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A mappe of Colonel Romers voyage to ye 5 Indian nations
dc.subjectNew York (State)--Maps--Early works to 1800
dc.titleA mappe of Colonel Romers voyage to ye 5 Indian nations
dcterms.contributorAllen, David Y.; Hayward, George
dcterms.creatorRömer, Wolfgang
dcterms.descriptionLithographed facsimie of a manuscript map originally created in 1700
dcterms.descriptionScale: 1:375,000; `Copied from the original Ms. in the BRitish Museum for Mr. George H. Moore, Librarian of the New York Historical Society, and compared by me. Richard Sims`; Cartouche on facsimilie differs from original
dcterms.issued1700; [ca. 1880]
dcterms.provenanceUndated lithograph of a facsimile of a manuscript map at the British Library.
dcterms.provenanceNew York Public Library
dcterms.provenanceImage derived from a 4 x 5` transparency supplied by the New York Public Library, and scanned to a Kodak Pro Photo CD.
dcterms.publisherNew York: George Hayward
dcterms.rightsContact New York Public Library
dcterms.spatialUnited States--New York (State)
dcterms.subjectNew York (State)--Maps--Early works to 1800
dcterms.titleA mappe of Colonel Romers voyage to ye 5 Indian nations

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