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dc.description.sponsorshipThis work is sponsored by the Stony Brook University Graduate School in compliance with the requirements for completion of degree.en_US
dc.format.mediumElectronic Resourceen_US
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Stony Brook University: Stony Brook, NY.
dcterms.abstractThis dissertation is a theoretical reappraisal of G¢ngora's popular verse which entails a profound questioning of the very foundations of the Spanish `Baroque' as an epistemological framework. It stems from a basic paradox: how can the Baroque, produced by an official, organic ideology, be understood from the standpoint of the vast popular culture that it ultimately seems to create? This question becomes more relevant. and even more acutely intriguing. if we consider that an important number of the canonic and non-canonic greatest works of the period (from the Quixote to G¢ngora's F bula de P¡ramo y Tisbe, going through the Picaresque novel) pertain to the field of popular culture. My work aims at proving that this prominent streak of literary grotesque is not only relevant but indeed native to the cultural logic of the Spanish Baroque, which can be redefined in terms of a more fluid relation between the official and the popular, in order to finally debunk the fallacy of the two G¢ngoras. Some of the issues addressed in this dissertation are: the reasons for literary obscurity; the political dimensions of ideological contradiction; the material constitution. if not production. of typically baroque rhetorical devices (hyperbaton, litote, catachresis); and last, but not least, the relation between the social body of the Spanish Absolutist State and G¢ngora's own body grotesque.
dcterms.contributorVictoriano Roncero Lopezen_US
dcterms.contributorRoncero Lopez, Victorianoen_US
dcterms.contributorPaul P. Firbasen_US
dcterms.contributorFirbas, Paulen_US
dcterms.contributorLou Charnon-Deutschen_US
dcterms.contributorMalcolm K. Readen_US
dcterms.contributorIsabel Lozano Renieblasen_US
dcterms.creatorPueyo Zoco, Victor Manuel
dcterms.descriptionDepartment of Hispanic Languages and Literatureen_US
dcterms.provenanceMade available in DSpace on 2012-05-15T18:06:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PueyoZoco_grad.sunysb_0771E_10034.pdf: 1447101 bytes, checksum: 6c5f3a9878751407208f1bb1ed9b29ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 1en
dcterms.provenanceMade available in DSpace on 2015-04-24T14:52:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 PueyoZoco_grad.sunysb_0771E_10034.pdf.jpg: 1894 bytes, checksum: a6009c46e6ec8251b348085684cba80d (MD5) PueyoZoco_grad.sunysb_0771E_10034.pdf.txt: 618897 bytes, checksum: 49daebb3bfd3292c37faf4139c9c7c4a (MD5) PueyoZoco_grad.sunysb_0771E_10034.pdf: 1447101 bytes, checksum: 6c5f3a9878751407208f1bb1ed9b29ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 1en
dcterms.publisherThe Graduate School, Stony Brook University: Stony Brook, NY.
dcterms.subjectGolden Age, G¢ngora, Ideology
dcterms.subjectLiterature, Romance -- Literature, Latin American -- Hispanic American Studies
dcterms.titleG¢ngora: problemas de la po tica del Barroco. Ideolog¡a y cultura popular en los siglos XVI y XVII

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