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College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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College of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 915
A dynamic transportation model
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
Analysis and synthesis of aperture fields of log periodic antennas
Kieburtz, Richard B.
Naive versus Optimal Scheduling for Data Intensive Applications
Robertazzi, Thomas G.; Ko, Kwangil
Ordinal distances in transfinite graphs: II
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
Performance analysis of session oriented data communication for mobile computing in cellular systems
Park, Yunsang
Joint Mobile Energy Replenishment and Data Gathering in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
Yang, Yuanyuan; Zhao, Miao; Li, Ji
Ordinal Distances in Pristine Graphs
Zemanian, A. H. (Armen H.)
Optimizing computing costs using divisible load analysis
Sohn, Jeeho; Robertazzi, Thomas G.; Luryi, Serge
Applications of Generalized Functions to Network Theory
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
Cities of the Future: Employing Wireless Sensor Networks for Efficient Decision Making in Complex Environments.
Doboli, Alex; Curiac, Daniel; Pescaru, Dan; Doboli, Simona; Tang, Wendy; Volosencu, Costantin; Gilberti, Michael; Banias, Ovidiu; Istin, Codruta
Buoyancy and surface-tension induced instabilities of fluid in open and closed vertical cylindrical containers
Bentwich, Michael
Some critical properties of Ornstein-Zernike systems
Stell, George
Nonstandard transfinite graphs and random walks on them
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
Cause of discrepancies in diffusion coefficient data as obtained from the sintering experiments of oxides
Wang, Franklin F. Y.; Khattak, Chandra P.
Three-Particle correlation in a simple fluids
Stell, George
A dipolar fluid in an external field: dielectric properties in the bulk
Martina, Esteban; Stell, George
The Galaxies of Nonstandard Enlargements of Infinite and Transfinite Graphs: II
Zemanian, A. H. (Armen H.)
Transfinite electrical networksp
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
On the Behavior of Passive Scalars in a Turbulent Fluid
O'Brien, Edward E.
Blocking, hand-off and traffic performance for cellular communication systems with mixed platforms
Rappaport, Stephen S.; Raychaudhuri, Dipankar
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