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College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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College of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 661-680 of 915
Ordinal Distances in Transfinite Graphs
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
Surface film formation on E glass
Levine, Sumner N.; LaCourse, William Carl
A new class of optical imaging systems achieving \"Aperture Synthesis\" from non-conventional optics by a posteriori lensless Fourier-transform holography
Stroke, George W.
Recursive solutions for discrete time queues with applications to high speed switching
Huang, Xinyuan; Robertazzi, Thomas G.
Analysis of distributed parameter networks -a general method
Dicker, Daniel
Minimax soulution of n+1 inconsistent linear equations in n unknowns.
Tewarson, Reginald P.
Bounds for a Petri net model of a complex multiprocessor
Ni, R. X.; Robertazzi, Thomas G.
On the solution of the Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules
Stell, George; Ziff, Robert M.; Cummings, Peter T.
A comparative study of basic backpropagation and backpropagation through time algorithms
Tang, K. Wendy; Chen, Hung-Jung
Simulation of blocking, hand-off and traffic performance for cellular communication systems with mixed platforms
Zhang, Guodong; Rappaport, Stephen S.
Zemanian, A. H.(Armen H.)
Session oriented data communications for mobile computing in cellular systems with multiple traffic classes
Park, Yunsang; Rappaport, Stephen S.
Note on the scalar spectrum transported by an artificial turbulent spectrum
O'Brien, Edward E.; Omholt, Thore
Study of fixed and demand assigned code division multiple access using tree codes
Rappaport, Stephen S.; Raychaudhuri, Dipankar
A computer algorithm for constrained minimization
Indusi, Joseph Paul
The magnitude and relaxation of the strain-optic constants in amorphous materials in reaction to structure
Carleton, Herbert R.
Axisymmetrical turbulent swirling natural convection plume part II -experimantal investigation
Lee, Richard Shao-lin (Shao-lin Lee)
Cities of the Future: Employing Wireless Sensor Networks for Efficient Decision Making in Complex Environments.
Doboli, Alex; Curiac, Daniel; Pescaru, Dan; Doboli, Simona; Tang, Wendy; Volosencu, Costantin; Gilberti, Michael; Banias, Ovidiu; Istin, Codruta
A nonlinear model for templet regulated protein synthesis
Gerst, Irving; Levine, Sumner N.
Location tracking in hierarchical cellular systems: an adaptive algorithm
Gu, Daqing; Rappaport, Stephen S.
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