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dc.descriptionPhysics of Atomic Nuclei -- June 2002 Volume 65, Issue 6, pp. 963-1151 SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS Integrable Models of Black Holes and Their Generalizations in the Theories of Supergravity and Superstrings A. T. Filippov pp. 963-967 Full Text: PDF (144 kB) A Quantum Version of the Inverse Scattering Transformation F. G�_hmann and V. E. Korepin pp. 968-975 Full Text: PDF (207 kB) Sturm���Coulomb Problem in a Magnetic Field and Its Implications for Quantum Chaos M. Moshinsky, H. Hern��ndez-Salda�a, and A. Su��rez-Moreno pp. 976-983 Full Text: PDF (209 kB) Some Exact Results for the Three-Layer Zamolodchikov Model H. E. Boos and V. V. Mangazeev pp. 984-989 Full Text: PDF (192 kB) On the Use of the Lie Group Technique for Differential Equations with a Small Parameter: Approximate Solutions and Integrable Equations G. I. Burde pp. 990-995 Full Text: PDF (141 kB) Nambu Dynamical System: The Case of Many Triplets S. Codriansky, C. Gonz��lez, and R. Navarro pp. 996-999 Full Text: PDF (154 kB) A Superintegrable Time-Dependent System with Kac���Moody Symmetry J. Daboul and P. Winternitz pp. 1000-1007 Full Text: PDF (206 kB) Polynomial Associative Algebras of Quantum Superintegrable Systems C. Daskaloyannis pp. 1008-1014 Full Text: PDF (160 kB) Exact Solution to the Cauchy Problem for a Generalized "Linear" Vectorial Fokker���Planck Equation: Algebraic Approach A. A. Donkov, A. D. Donkov, and E. I. Grancharova pp. 1015-1018 Full Text: PDF (138 kB) Exact Solution to the Classical Equation of Motion for a Charged Particle in External Electric and Magnetic Fields A. A. Donkov, A. D. Donkov, and E. I. Grancharova pp. 1019-1022 Full Text: PDF (137 kB) Dynamical r Matrices and Chiral WZNW Phase Space L. Feh�r pp. 1023-1027 Full Text: PDF (154 kB) On Multivortex Solutions of the Weierstrass Representation P. Bracken and A. M. Grundland pp. 1028-1032 Full Text: PDF (140 kB) Completeness of Multiseparable Superintegrability in Two Dimensions E. G. Kalnins, G. S. Pogosyan, and W. Miller, Jr. pp. 1033-1035 Full Text: PDF (112 kB) Intertwining Operators and S Matrix G. A. Kerimov pp. 1036-1041 Full Text: PDF (171 kB) Classical Mechanics on the GL(n, [openface R]) Group and Euler���Calogero���Sutherland Model A. M. Khvedelidze and D. M. Mladenov pp. 1042-1046 Full Text: PDF (156 kB) Multiseparability and Superintegrability in Three Dimensions J. M. Kress and E. G. Kalnins pp. 1047-1051 Full Text: PDF (129 kB) An Algebraic Treatment of the MIC���Kepler Problem on S3 Sphere A. A. Bogush, V. V. Gritsev, Yu. A. Kurochkin, and V. S. Otchik pp. 1052-1056 Full Text: PDF (165 kB) The A3 Calogero���Sutherland System: Constructing a Separating Kernel V. V. Mangazeev pp. 1057-1062 Full Text: PDF (176 kB) Five-Dimensional SU(2)-Monopole: Continuous Spectrum L. G. Mardoyan pp. 1063-1069 Full Text: PDF (173 kB) How to Relate the Oscillator and Coulomb Systems on Spheres and Pseudospheres? A. Nersessian pp. 1070-1075 Full Text: PDF (149 kB) RPA Equation Embedded into Infinite-Dimensional Fock Space F[infinity] S. Nishiyama and T. Komatsu pp. 1076-1082 Full Text: PDF (175 kB) Classical and Algebraic Hamiltonian with su(3) Symmetry M. Novaes and J. E. M. Hornos pp. 1083-1085 Full Text: PDF (119 kB) The Coulomb���Oscillator Relation on n-Dimensional Spheres and Hyperboloids E. G. Kalnins, W. Miller, Jr., and G. S. Pogosyan pp. 1086-1094 Full Text: PDF (206 kB) Q Operators for the Simple Quantum Relativistic Toda Chain G. P. Pronko and S. M. Sergeev pp. 1095-1099 Full Text: PDF (147 kB) Quantum Bound States Embedded in a Continuum and Their Classical Analogs A. M. Shirokov, N. A. Sveshnikov, and D. L. Pursey pp. 1100-1107 Full Text: PDF (197 kB) Lie Algebras on Hyperelliptic Curves and Finite-Dimensional Integrable Systems T. V. Skrypnyk pp. 1108-1112 Full Text: PDF (139 kB) N = 4 Toda Chain (KdV) Hierarchy in N = 4 Superspace A. S. Sorin pp. 1113-1121 Full Text: PDF (184 kB) Supersymmetry and Solvable Periodic Potentials U. Sukhatme and A. Khare pp. 1122-1127 Full Text: PDF (169 kB) Separation of Variables for Integrable Systems on Poisson Manifolds A. V. Tsiganov pp. 1128-1134 Full Text: PDF (182 kB) Quantum Many-Body Problems and Perturbation Theory A. V. Turbiner pp. 1135-1143 Full Text: PDF (219 kB) Lie Symmetries and Superintegrability in Quantum Mechanics M. B. Sheftel, P. Tempesta, and P. Winternitz pp. 1144-1148 Full Text: PDF (159 kB) Solvable [script PT] - Symmetric Hamiltonians M. Znojil pp. 1149-1151 Full Text: PDF (109 kB)en
dc.format.extent3012076 bytes
dc.format.extent8012 bytes
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 65en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 06en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.subjectPhysics of Atomic Nucleien
dc.titlePhysics of Atomic Nuclei V. 65, I. 06en

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