dc.description | JETP Letters -- May 10, 1998
Volume 67, Issue 9, pp. 635-759
Ponderomotive action of light in the problem of multiple scattering of light in a randomly inhomogeneous medium
S. E. Skipetrov, S. S. Chesnokov, S. D. Zakharov, M. A. Kazaryan, and V. A. Shcheglov
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Dynamics of self-similar dispersion-managed soliton presented in the basis of chirped Gauss���Hermite functions
S. K. Turitsyn and V. K. Mezentsev
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X-ray generation in low-voltage vacuum discharges
N. Vogel
Full Text: PDF (1285 kB)
Generation and interaction of large-amplitude solitons
E. N. Pelinovskii and A. V. Slyunyaev
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Observation of extended poloidal structures in the turbulent edge plasma of the L-2M stellarator
G. M. Batanov, A. E. Petrov, K. A. Sarksyan, N. N. Skvortsova, O. I. Fedyanin, N. K. Kharchev, Yu. V. Khol'nov, S. V. Shchepetov, C. Hidalgo, M. Pedrosa, B. van Milligen, and E. Sanchez
Full Text: PDF (244 kB)
On nonquasineutrality and turbulent heat transfer in a tokamak
S. N. Gordienko and �. I. Yurchenko
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New allotropic form of silicon
A. F. Khokhlov, A. I. Mashin, and D. A. Khokhlov
Full Text: PDF (54 kB)
Nonlinear Seebeck effect in a model granular superconductor
S. A. Sergeenkov
Full Text: PDF (86 kB)
Giant burst of photoconductivity in semiconductors upon an increase in the concentration of recombination centers
V. A. Kholodnov
Full Text: PDF (102 kB)
Observation of spin-reduction anisotropy in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsMnI3
B. S. Dumesh, S. V. Petrov, and A. M. Tikhonov
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Gravity of monopole and string and the gravitational constant in 3He-A
G. E. Volovik
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Behavior of the atomic and magnetic structure of La0.35Pr0.35Ca0.30MnO3 at a metal���insulator phase transition
A. M. Balagurov, V. Yu. Pomyakushin, V. L. Aksenov, N. M. Plakida, N. A. Babushkina, L. M. Belova, O. Yu. Gorbenko, A. R. Kaul', P. Fischer, M. Gutmann, and L. Keller
Full Text: PDF (93 kB)
Polymers from C60 barrelenes
L. A. Chernozatonskii, E. G. Gal'pern, and I. V. Stankevich
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Fractal structure of fullerite
I. V. Zolotukhin, L. I. Yanchenko, and E. K. Belonogov
Full Text: PDF (456 kB)
Ferromagnetic liquid droplets
A. N. Grigorenko, P. I. Nikitin, V. I. Konov, A. M. Ghorbanzadeh, M.-L. Degiorgi, A. Perrone, and A. Zocco
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Ferromagnetic resonance in multilayer [Fe/Cr]n structures with noncollinear magnetic ordering
A. B. Drovosekov, N. M. Kreines, D. I. Kholin, V. F. Meshcheryakov, M. A. Milyaev, L. N. Romashev, and V. V. Ustinov
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Characteristics of the process of reorientation of bipolar drops of a nematic with rigidly fixed poles
A. V. Shabanov, V. V. Presnyakov, V. Ya. Zyryanov, and S. Ya. Vetrov
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Polymorphism of biperiodic stripe domain structures
G. V. Arzamastseva, F. V. Lisovskii, and E. G. Mansvetova
Full Text: PDF (203 kB)
Excitons and excitonic complexes in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells with a low-density quasi-two-dimensional electron and hole channel
O. V. Volkov, V. E. Zhitomirskii, I. V. Kukushkin, K. von Klitzing, and K. Eberl
Full Text: PDF (95 kB)
Defect-induced instabilities in condensed media
O. B. Naimark
Full Text: PDF (118 kB)
Erratum: Quantum tunneling in ferromagnetic nanoparticles interacting with a spin thermostat: effective Hamiltonian [JETP Lett. 67, No. 1, 28���33 (10 January 1998)]
I. S. Tupitsyn
Full Text: PDF (26 kB) | en |