dc.description | JETP Letters -- June 10, 1998
Volume 67, Issue 11, pp. 875-1012
Search for inelastic interactions of WIMPs with excitation of 73Ge nuclei
A. A. Klimenko, S. B. Osetrov, A. A. Smol'nikov, and S. I. Vasil'ev
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Vortex versus spinning string: Iordanskii force and gravitational Aharonov���Bohm effect
G. E. Volovik
Full Text: PDF (93 kB)
k-Symmetry and anomalous magnetic moment of superparticles
A. A. Zheltukhin and D. V. Uvarov
Full Text: PDF (141 kB)
Baryonic systems with charm and bottom in the bound-state soliton model
V. B. Kopeliovich
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Do excited states exist in a system of two neutrons?
D. V. Aleksandrov, E. Yu. Nikol'skii, B. G. Novatskii, D. N. Stepanov, and R. Wolski
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Cherenkov emission of magnons by a slow monopole
P. V. Vorob'ev and I. V. Kolokolov
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Phase conjugation of linear signals and solitons of magnetostatic waves
A. L. Gordon, G. A. Melkov, A. A. Serga, V. S. Tiberkevich, A. V. Bagada, and A. N. Slavin
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Screw-type transparency in a three-level medium
I. V. Kazinets, B. G. Matisov, and I. E. Mazets
Full Text: PDF (119 kB)
Generation of quadrature-squeezed light during the propagation of a light wave in a birefringent fiber
S. A. Podoshvedov
Full Text: PDF (111 kB)
Multifrequency photon echo generated by extremely short pulses
A. Yu. Parkhomenko and S. V. Sazonov
Full Text: PDF (94 kB)
Reduced magnetohydrodynamics of a toroidal plasma with flows
V. P. Pastukhov
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Pseudodipole interaction in exchange-frustrated antiferromagnets
S. V. Maleev
Full Text: PDF (101 kB)
Dynamics of first- and second-order phase transitions in amorphous magnetooptic TbFeCo films
M. B. Agranat, S. I. Ashitkov, A. V. Kirillin, V. E. Fortov, S. I. Anisimov, A. B. Granovskii, and P. S. Kondratenko
Full Text: PDF (78 kB)
Isothermal desorption of hydrogen molecules from a W(110) surface at temperature ~ 5 K
V. D. Osovskii, Yu. G. Ptushinskii, V. G. Sukretnyi, and B. A. Chuikov
Full Text: PDF (76 kB)
On the observation of a single paramagnetic center in experiments with a scanning tunneling microscope
F. I. Dalidchik and S. A. Kovalevskii
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Quasielastic scattering of light by a photoexcited electron���hole plasma induced in a GaAs layer in the presence of InAs quantum dots
B. Kh. Bairamov, V. A. Voitenko, B. P. Zakharchenya, V. V. Toporov, M. Henini, and A. J. Kent
Full Text: PDF (88 kB)
Uniform rotation of smectic layers of a ferroelectric liquid crystal in an asymmetric electric field
S. V. Yablonskii, K. Nakayama, M. Ozaki, and K. Yoshino
Full Text: PDF (237 kB)
Manganites at low temperatures and light doping: band approach and percolation
L. P. Gor'kov and V. Z. Kresin
Full Text: PDF (104 kB)
M�_ssbauer investigations of the surface state of hexagonal ferrites Sr-M near the Curie point
A. S. Kamzin and V. L. Rozenbaum
Full Text: PDF (68 kB)
Multiplicative-noise-induced amplification of weak signals in a system with on���off intermittency
O. V. Gerashchenko, S. L. Ginzburg, and M. A. Pustovoit
Full Text: PDF (106 kB)
On the fixed points and invariants of Dykhne transformations and the stability of the solutions of the problem of the effective conductivity of randomly inhomogeneous two-phase media
V. E. Arkhincheev
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