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dc.descriptionLow Temperature Physics -- November 2003 Volume 29, Issue 11, pp. 883-969 QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND QUANTUM CRYSTALS Concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient in separating dilute solid mixtures of 4He in 3He V. N. Grigor'ev, V. A. Maidanov, A. A. Penzev, �. Ya. Rudavskii, A. S. Rybalko, and Ye. V. Syrnikov Full Text: PDF (90 kB) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, INCLUDING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Superconductivity in quasi-two-dimensional nonadiabatic systems with arbitrary charge-carrier density at T = 0 M. E. Palistrant Full Text: PDF (98 kB) Inhomogeneity of the pseudogap state of a doped layered cuprate antiferromagnet G. G. Sergeeva Full Text: PDF (92 kB) Superconductivity, negative magnetoresistance, and anisotropy of the conductivity of YFe4Al8 and ScFe4Al8 single crystals in the frequency range 0���108 Hz V. M. Dmitriev, N. N. Prentslau, I. V. Zolochevskii, L. A. Ishchenko, A. V. Terekhov, B. Ya. Kotur, W. Suski, and E. Talik Full Text: PDF (156 kB) LOW-TEMPERATURE MAGNETISM Structural and magnetic inhomogeneity and the NMR of 55Mn and 139La in the magnetoresistive ceramics La0.7Ba0.3���xSnxMnO3-->La0.7���xBa0.3���xMnO3 + 0.5xLa2Sn2O7 V. P. Pashchenko, A. A. Shemyakov, M. M. Savosta, S. I. Khartsev, V. N. Derkachenko, V. K. Prokopenko, V. A. Turchenko, A. V. Pashchenko, V. P. Dyakonov, Yu. Buhanzev, and H. Szymczak Full Text: PDF (148 kB) Coupling of the magnetic layers and electron spin polarization in four-layer structures of amplitude and nonmagnetic semiconductors V. V. Zorchenko, A. Yu. Sipatov, and V. V. Volobuev Full Text: PDF (184 kB) ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF METALS AND ALLOYS Properties of low-temperature ytterbium condensates grown in a medium of gaseous helium V. M. Kuz'menko and A. N. Vladychkin Full Text: PDF (96 kB) "High-temperature" oscillations of the magnetoresistance of bismuth: a possible alternative explanation Yu. F. Komnik Full Text: PDF (80 kB) High-frequency characteristics of contactless electromagnetic excitation of transverse sound in quasi-two-dimensional conductors O. Galbova, G. Ivanovski, and D. Krstovska Full Text: PDF (88 kB) Phonons in conductors with magnetoimpurity electron states A. M. Ermolaev and G. I. Rashba Full Text: PDF (138 kB) LOW-DIMENSIONAL AND DISORDERED SYSTEMS Spin���plasma wave in a one-dimensional metal V. M. Gokhfeld Full Text: PDF (60 kB) TECHNIQUE OF SUPERLOW TEMPERATURES Setup for calorimetric measurements at temperatures below 1 K V. N. Eropkin and T. V. Chagovets Full Text: PDF (42 kB) SHORT NOTES Anomalous charge transport in a quasi-one-dimensional electron system over liquid helium S. P. Gladchenko, Yu. Z. Kovdrya, and V. A. Nikolaenko Full Text: PDF (48 kB) Phonon Raman scattering in LaMn1���xCoxO3 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 1.0) V. P. Gnezdilov, A. V. Yeremenko, Yu. G. Pashkevich, P. Lemmens, G. G�_ntherodt, S. V. Shiryaev, G. L. Bychkov, and S. N. Barilo Full Text: PDF (82 kB) Erratum: Thermal conductivity of solid parahydrogen with methane admixtures [Low Temp. Phys. 29, 527���529 (June 2003)] A. I. Krivchikov, O. A. Korolyuk, V. V. Sumarokov, J. Mucha, P. Stachowiak, and A. Jezowski Full Text: PDF (61 kB)en
dc.format.extent1360191 bytes
dc.format.extent4866 bytes
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 29en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 11en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.subjectLow Temperature Physicsen
dc.titleLow Temperature Physics V. 29, I. 11en

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