dc.description | Technical Physics -- July 2000
Volume 45, Issue 7, pp. 813-954
Theory of Cyclotron Superradiance from a Moving Electron Bunch under Group Synchronism Conditions
N. S. Ginzburg, I. V. Zotova, and A. S. Sergeev
pp. 813-820 Full Text: PDF (94 kB)
The Classification of Anisotropic Stressed States in Spherical Bodies
A. S. Baranov
pp. 821-825 Full Text: PDF (60 kB)
Relativistic Particle in a Traveling Magnetic Field
A. I. Toropova
pp. 826-830 Full Text: PDF (64 kB)
Electromagnetic Transitions between Rydberg States of a Hydrogen Atom: Violation of the Dipole Selection Rules in a Strong Field
O. B. Prepelitsa
pp. 831-835 Full Text: PDF (59 kB)
Positron Scattering by Phonons in Metals
D. A. Gryaznykh
pp. 836-839 Full Text: PDF (59 kB)
Instability of a Charged Spherical Viscous Drop Moving Relative to a Medium
A. I. Grigor'ev, V. A. Koromyslov, and S. O. Shiryaeva
pp. 840-848 Full Text: PDF (106 kB)
Phase-Transition Radiation and the Growth of a New Phase
S. A. Sall' and A. P. Smirnov
pp. 849-853 Full Text: PDF (55 kB)
On the Turbulization of the Viscocrystalline Phase
S. O. Gladkov
pp. 854-857 Full Text: PDF (56 kB)
Short-Laser-Pulse-Induced Photoelectric Phenomena and Reorientation in Nematics Activated with Ionic Dyes
S. V. Serak, A. A. Kovalev, and A. V. Agashkov
pp. 858-864 Full Text: PDF (108 kB)
Analogs of the Brewster Effect and Total Internal Reflection for Cylindrical Waves
M. A. Kaliteevskii and V. V. Nikolaev
pp. 865-869 Full Text: PDF (62 kB)
Evolution of the Glow of an Aerogel Irradiated with a High-Power Pulse Electron Beam
B. A. Demidov, V. P. Efremov, M. V. Ivkin, I. A. Ivonin, V. A. Petrov, and V. E. Fortov
pp. 870-877 Full Text: PDF (329 kB)
On the Theory of Space���Time Polarization Holography
B. N. Kilosanidze and E. Sh. Kakichashvili
pp. 878-882 Full Text: PDF (62 kB)
Relativistic Microwave Devices with Postacceleration of an Electron Beam in the Interaction Space
�. B. Abubakirov and A. V. Savel'ev
pp. 883-886 Full Text: PDF (52 kB)
Dispersion Dilution of the Beam Emittance in Linear High-Energy Electron Accelerators
V. M. Tsakanov
pp. 887-895 Full Text: PDF (113 kB)
Dynamical Chaos in a Charged-Particle Flow Produced by a Magnetron Injection Gun: Numerical Simulation and Experiment
Yu. A. Kalinin, V. N. Kozhevnikov, A. G. Lazerson, G. I. Aleksandrov, and E. E. Zhelezovskii
pp. 896-904 Full Text: PDF (277 kB)
Effect of Thermal Annealing on Spectral Properties of Electrodeposited Carbon Films
V. P. Dymont, M. P. Samtsov, and E. M. Nekrashevich
pp. 905-908 Full Text: PDF (75 kB)
Deformation of the Contact Area and Adhesive Friction between a Scanning Frictional Microscope Probe and the Atomic-Flat Surface
G. V. Dedkov and M. B. Dyshekov
pp. 909-914 Full Text: PDF (76 kB)
Kinetics of Radiation Cooling of Fullerenes
A. A. Vostrikov, A. A. Agarkov, and D. Yu. Dubov
pp. 915-921 Full Text: PDF (110 kB)
Discharge Leader Self-Organization on the Water Surface
V. P. Belosheev
pp. 922-927 Full Text: PDF (185 kB)
Melting of Aluminum Nitride at Atmospheric Nitrogen Pressure
L. G. D'yachkov, L. A. Zhilyakov, and A. V. Kostanovskii
pp. 928-930 Full Text: PDF (40 kB)
A New Model of a Quantum Magnetometer: A Single-Cell Cs���K Tandem Based on Four-Quantum Resonance in 39K Atoms
E. B. Aleksandrov, M. V. Balabas, A. K. Vershovskii, and A. S. Pazgalev
pp. 931-936 Full Text: PDF (89 kB)
The Threshold Current of a Balanced Double-Contact Low-Inductance Interferometer
I. N. Askerzade
pp. 937-938 Full Text: PDF (28 kB)
Dependence of the Transverse Dynamics of the Plasma Electrons in the Ion Focus Regime on the Ratio of the Radius of a Relativistic Electron Beam to the Radius of the Ion Channel
E. K. Kolesnikov and A. S. Manuilov
pp. 939-941 Full Text: PDF (47 kB)
Effect of Multiple Scattering and the External Magnetic Field on the Resistive Sausage Instability of a Relativistic Electron Beam
E. K. Kolesnikov and A. S. Manuilov
pp. 942-944 Full Text: PDF (48 kB)
Cooperative Mechanism of Self-Diffusion in Metals
V. G. Chudinov
pp. 945-947 Full Text: PDF (40 kB)
On the Influence of Ionization Density in a Fast Charged Particle Track on the Light Output of Scintillations
V. K. Lyapidevskii and M. I. Ryazanov
pp. 948-949 Full Text: PDF (22 kB)
Simulation of an Early Stage of a Conductor's Electrical Explosion
S. I. Tkachenko
pp. 950-952 Full Text: PDF (40 kB)
High-Frequency Boundary for the Rayleigh���Jeans Approximation in Microwave Radiometry Problems
I. A. Semin
pp. 953-954 Full Text: PDF (27 kB) | en |