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dc.descriptionPhysics of Atomic Nuclei -- July 2000 Volume 63, Issue 7, pp. 1111-1303 NEUTRINO PHYSICS AT ACCELERATORS Results from the NOMAD Experiment B. A. Popov (for the NOMAD Collaboration) pp. 1111-1118 Full Text: PDF (221 kB) Status of the Chorus Experiment M. Doucet (for the CHORUS Collaboration) pp. 1119-1121 Full Text: PDF (106 kB) Latest Results on Atmospheric Neutrinos From Soudan 2 and the Status of MINOS D. A. Petyt pp. 1122-1128 Full Text: PDF (82 kB) Searches for R-Parity-Violating Supersymmetry at Colliders Y. Sirois pp. 1129-1136 Full Text: PDF (121 kB) NEW PHYSICS, NUCLEAR AND NUCLEON STRUCTURE IN RARE PROCESSES Double-Beta Decay in Gauge Theories J. D. Vergados pp. 1137-1150 Full Text: PDF (170 kB) Grand Unification and B&L Conservation P. Nath and R. Arnowitt pp. 1151-1157 Full Text: PDF (89 kB) Lepton Flavor Violation: Constraints from the Exotic ��������e����� Conversion T. S. Kosmas and S. G. Kovalenko pp. 1158-1164 Full Text: PDF (101 kB) Test of Physics beyond the Standard Model in Nuclei A. Faessler and F. Simkovic pp. 1165-1176 Full Text: PDF (158 kB) The Effect of Weak Magnetism and Induced Pseudoscalar Coupling in Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay G. Pantis and F. Simkovic pp. 1177-1181 Full Text: PDF (74 kB) Effective Shell-Model Transition Operators for Muon-Capture Calculations T. Siiskonen, J. Suhonen, and M. Hjorth-Jensen pp. 1182-1186 Full Text: PDF (71 kB) Second-Order Corrections to Correlations in Muon Capture A. L. Barabanov pp. 1187-1192 Full Text: PDF (96 kB) Estimation of Scalar and Tensor Weak-Interaction Constants on the Basis of Recent Neutron Experimental Data Yu. A. Mostovoi, Yu. V. Gaponov, and B. G. Yerozolimsky pp. 1193-1195 Full Text: PDF (50 kB) Contribution of the Lowest 1+ Intermediate State to the 2nubetabeta-Decay Amplitude S. V. Semenov, F. Simkovic, V. V. Khruschev, and P. Domin pp. 1196-1199 Full Text: PDF (55 kB) Possible Contribution of an Intermediate-Leptoquark-Boson Mechanism to Free-Neutron Beta Decay Yu. V. Gaponov pp. 1200-1205 Full Text: PDF (78 kB) Real and Virtual Radiative Processes in the Beta Decay of the Free Neutron R. U. Khafizov and Yu. V. Gaponov pp. 1206-1209 Full Text: PDF (56 kB) Possible Evidence for a Time Variation of the Weak-Interaction Constant from Double-Beta-Decay Experiments A. S. Barabash pp. 1210-1213 Full Text: PDF (54 kB) EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS, METHODS, AND FACILITIES Measurement of the betabeta-Decay Rate of 100Mo to the First Excited 0+ State in 100Ru L. De Braeckeleer, M. Hornish, A. S. Barabash, and V. I. Umatov pp. 1214-1217 Full Text: PDF (58 kB) Double-Beta Decay of 48Ca in the TGV Experiment V. B. Brudanin, N. I. Rukhadze, Ch. Brian�_on, V. G. Egorov, V. E. Kovalenko, A. Kovalik, A. V. Salamatin, V. V. Tsoupko-Sitnikov, Ts. Vylov, and I. Stekl pp. 1218-1221 Full Text: PDF (69 kB) Double-Beta Decay with the Nemo Experiment: Status of the Nemo 3 Detector F. Piquemal (for the NEMO Collaboration) pp. 1222-1224 Full Text: PDF (47 kB) Recent Results of the IGEX 76Ge Double-Beta Decay Experiment C. E. Aalseth, F. T. Avignone III, R. L. Brodzinski, S. Cebrian, D. Gonz��les, E. Garc�_a, W. K. Hensley, I. G. Irastorza, I. V. Kirpichnikov, A. A. Klimenko, H. S. Miley, A. Morales, J. Morales, A. ��rtiz de Sol�_rzano, S. B. Osetrov, V. S. Pogosov, J. Puimed�_n, J. H. Reeves, M. L. Sarsa, S. Scopel, A. A. Smolnikov, A. S. Starostin, A. G. Tamanyan, A. A. Vasenko, S. I. Vasiliev, and J. A. Villar pp. 1225-1228 Full Text: PDF (177 kB) New Phase of the 116Cd 2beta-Decay Experiment with 116CdWO4 Scintillators F. A. Danevich, V. V. Kobychev, B. N. Kropivyansky, A. S. Nikolaiko, O. A. Ponkratenko, V. I. Tretyak, Yu. G. Zdesenko, P. G. Bizzeti, T. F. Fazzini, and P. R. Maurenzig pp. 1229-1237 Full Text: PDF (166 kB) Present Status of the ITEP Tracking Experiment Devoted to the Double-Beta Decay Search V. A. Artemiev, E. V. Brakchman, M. A. Ivanovskii, A. K. Karelin, V. V. Kirichenko, O. M. Kozodaeva, A. V. Kuchenkov, V. A. Lubimov, A. I. Mitin, T. N. Tsvetkova, and O. Ya. Zeldovich pp. 1238-1241 Full Text: PDF (93 kB) The CRESST Dark Matter Search W. Seidel, M. Bravin, M. Bruckmayer, C. Bucci, S. Cooper, P. DiStefano, F. V. Feilitzsch, T. Frank, J. Jochum, R. Keeling, H. Kraus, M. Loidl, J. Marchese, O. Meier, P. Meunier, U. Nagel, D. Pergolesi, F. Pr�_bst, Y. Ramachers, J. Schnagl, I. Sergeyev, M. Sisti, L. Stodolsky, S. Uchaikin, and L. Zerle pp. 1242-1248 Full Text: PDF (363 kB) Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay and Dark Matter Search with GENIUS H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and St. Kolb pp. 1249-1258 Full Text: PDF (291 kB) The CUORE/CUORICINO Project: Preliminary Studies C. Brofferio (for the CUORE Collaboration) pp. 1259-1263 Full Text: PDF (82 kB) Results of the Pilot Experiment to Search for Inelastic Interactions of WIMPs with 73Ge F. T. Avignone III, R. L. Brodzinski, A. A. Klimenko, H. S. Miley, S. B. Osetrov, J. H. Reeves, A. A. Smolnikov, and S. I. Vasiliev pp. 1264-1267 Full Text: PDF (186 kB) New Results of the WIMP Search with the First IGEX Ge Detectors C. E. Aalseth, F. T. Avignone III, R. L. Brodzinski, S. Cebrian, D. Gonz��les, E. Garc�_a, W. K. Hensley, I. G. Irastorza, I. V. Kirpichnikov, A. A. Klimenko, H. S. Miley, A. Morales, J. Morales, A. ��rtiz de Sol�_rzano, S. B. Osetrov, V. S. Pogosov, J. Puimed�_n, J. H. Reeves, M. L. Sarsa, S. Scopel, A. A. Smolnikov, A. S. Starostin, A. G. Tamanyan, A. A. Vasenko, S. I. Vasiliev, and J. A. Villar pp. 1268-1271 Full Text: PDF (64 kB) pep Neutrino Detection by a Lithium Detector as a Direct Way to Seek Oscillations of Solar Neutrinos A. Kopylov (for the LESNE Collaboration) pp. 1272-1275 Full Text: PDF (48 kB) Fast-Neutron-Flux Measurements in the Underground Facilities at Baksan J. N. Abdurashitov, V. N. Gavrin, A. V. Kalikhov, A. A. Klimenko, S. B. Osetrov, A. A. Shikhin, A. A. Smolnikov, S. I. Vasiliev, V. E. Yantz, and O. S. Zaborskaya pp. 1276-1281 Full Text: PDF (99 kB) Event Generator DECAY4 for Simulating Double-Beta Processes and Decays of Radioactive Nuclei O. A. Ponkratenko, V. I. Tretyak, and Yu. G. Zdesenko pp. 1282-1287 Full Text: PDF (94 kB) Powerful Dynamical Neutrino Source with a Hard Spectrum Yu. S. Lutostansky and V. I. Lyashuk pp. 1288-1291 Full Text: PDF (68 kB) Precise Measurement of 14C Beta Spectrum by Using a Wall-less Proportional Counter V. V. Kuzminov and N. Ja. Osetrova pp. 1292-1296 Full Text: PDF (85 kB) Germanium Detector with an Internal Amplification for Investigating Rare Processes A. S. Starostin and A. G. Beda pp. 1297-1300 Full Text: PDF (56 kB) Method for Background Reduction in an Experiment Devoted to WIMP Searches with a Liquid-Xenon (Liquid-Argon) Ionization Chamber B. M. Ovchinnikov and V. V. Parusov pp. 1301-1303 Full Text: PDF (43 kB)en
dc.format.extent3268915 bytes
dc.format.extent10980 bytes
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 63en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 07en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.subjectPhysics of Atomic Nucleien
dc.titlePhysics of Atomic Nuclei V. 63, I. 07en

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