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Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Reports (AMAR)
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Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Reports (AMAR): Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 586
Hatra. teil 1: nach aufnahmen von mitgliedern der Assur-expedition der Deutschen Orient-gesellschaft ; Allgemeine beschreibung der ruinen
Andrae, Walter, 1875-1956
Erster vorläufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von Samarra
Herzfeld, Ernst, 1879-1948
Das Ischtar-tor in Babylon nach den Ausgrabungen durch die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft
Koldewey, Robert, 1855-1925
Cemeteries of the first millennium B.C. at Deve Hüyük, near Carchemish, salvaged by T.E. Lawrence and C.L. Woolley in 1913
Moorey, P. R. S. (Peter Roger Stuart), 1937-
Carchemish: report on the excavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum. pt. 1: Introductory
Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960; Lawrence, Thomas Edward (1888-1935)
Carchemish: report on the excavations at Jerablus on behalf of the British Museum. pt. 2: The town defences
Woolley, Leonard (1880-1960)
Boğazköy V: funde aus den Grabungen 1970 und 1971
Bittel, Kurt, 1907
Bismya, or The lost city of Adab: a story of adventure, of exploration, and of excavation among the ruins of the oldest of the buried cities of Babylonia
Banks, Edgar James, 1866-1945
Aşvan Kale: Keban rescue excavations, eastern Anatolia. I. the Hellenistic, Roman and Islamic sites
Mitchell, Stephen, 1948-
Ancient settlement in the Zammar Region: excavations by the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq in the Eski Mosul Dam Salvage Project, 1985-86. v. 2
Simpson, St John
Ancient settlement in the Zammar Region: excavations by the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq in the Saddam Dam Salvage Project, 1985-86. v. 1
Ball, Warwick; Campbell, Stuart
Vorläufiger Bericht über die von dem Deutschen Archäologischen Institut und der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft aus Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft unternommenen Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka : Winter 1953/1954, Winter 1954/1955
Lenzen, Heinrich Jakob, 1900-
La trace de Rome dans le désert de Syrie: le limes de Trajan à la conquête arabe; recherches aériennes (1925-1932)
Poidebard, A. (Antoine), b. 1878
Bîchâpour. v. I
Ghirshman, Roman, 1895-1979
A Sumerian Palace and the `A` cemetery at Kish, Mesopotamia. pt. II
Mackay, Ernest John Henry, 1880-1943
Zum Bronzetor von Balawat: beitrage zur Erklarung und Deutung de assyrischen Inschriften und Reliefs Salmanassara III
Unger, Eckhard, 1885-1960
The ziggurat and its surroundings
Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960
The Uruk countryside: the natural setting of urban societies
Adams, Robert McCormick, 1926-
The royal cemetery: a report on the predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931. v. 2: pt. 1: Text
Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960
The early periods: a report on the sites and objects prior in date to the third dynasty of Ur discovered in the course of the excavations
Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960
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