dc.description | JETP Letters -- August 25, 1999
Volume 70, Issue 4, pp. 233-319
Influence of Lambda NN forces and the nuclear core size on the Lambda7Li level spectrum
V. N. Fetisov
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Isotope shifts in finite nuclei and the pairing properties of nuclear matter
S. A. Fayans
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Discovery of a narrow resonance state of the system KSKS at mass 1520 MeV
B. P. Barkov, V. V. Vladimirskii, V. K. Grigor'ev, O. N. Erofeeva, Yu. V. Katinov, I. Ya. Korol'kov, V. I. Lisin, V. N. Luzin, V. N. Nozdrachev, V. V. Sokolovskii, G. D. Tikhomirov, S. A. Uzunyan, Yu. P. Shkurenko, and I. A. Gridnev
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Total conversion of the polarization of electromagnetic waves during excitation of cyclotron polaritons in a two-dimensional electron system
V. V. Popov and T. V. Teperik
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Self-deflection of laser beams during holographic recording in photorefractive crystals
M. P. Petrov, A. P. Paugurt, and V. V. Bryksin
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Far-IR radiation of hot holes in germanium for mutually perpendicular directions of uniaxial pressure and electric field
V. N. Bondar, A. T. Dalakyan, L. E. Vorob'ev, D. A. Firsov, and V. N. Tulupenko
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Observation of MeV ions in long-pulse, large-scale laser-produced plasmas
F. B. Rosmej, D. H. H. Hoffmann, W. Suess, M. Geissel, P. Pirzadeh, M. Roth, W. Seelig, A. Ya. Faenov, I. Yu. Skobelev, A. I. Magunov, T. A. Pikuz, R. Bock, U. N. Funk, U. Neuner, S. Udrea, A. Tauschwitz, N. A. Tahir, B. Yu. Sharkov, and N. E. Andreev
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Ohm's law in a chiral plasma
O. G. Chkhetiani and S. S. Moiseev
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On the state of supersaturation of a 2D electron system on a liquid-helium surface
V. B. Shikin
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Optical phonon spectrum of germanium quantum dots
A. B. Talochkin, V. A. Markov, A. I. Nikiforov, and S. A. Tiis
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Dependence of the resistivity of nonstoichiometric titanium carbide TiCy on the density and distribution of carbon vacancies
V. N. Lipatnikov and A. I. Gusev
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Bistability of quantum magnetotransport in a multilayer Ge/p-Ge1 ��� xSix heterostructure with wide potential wells
M. V. Yakunin, Yu. G. Arapov, V. N. Neverov, and O. A. Kuznetsov
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Magnetoplastic effect in InSb
E. V. Darinskaya, E. A. Petrzhik, S. A. Erofeev, and V. P. Kisel'
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Giant red shift of the absorption edge in La0.9Sr0.1MnO3
R. V. Demin, L. I. Koroleva, and A. M. Balbashov
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Erratum: Anomalous magnetic properties of the complex (ET)2C60 [JETP Lett. 69, 785���791 (25 May 1999)]
S. V. Demishev, A. A. Pronin, N. E. Sluchanko, L. Weckhuysen, V. V. Moshchalkov, N. G. Spitsina, and �. B. Yagubskii
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