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dc.contributor.editorEditor of work here.en_US
dc.contributor.otherPreservation Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.contributor.otherCataloging & Metadata Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.descriptionleave(s) : ill; 28 cm.en_US
dc.descriptionPlasma Physics Reports -- July 2005 Volume 31, Issue 7, pp. 529-620 TOKAMAKS Self-Organization of Plasma in Tokamaks Yu. N. Dnestrovskij, A. Yu. Dnestrovskij, and S. E. Lysenko pp. 529-553 Full Text: PDF (270 kB) STELLARATORS The Use of Doppler Reflectometry in the L-2M Stellarator A. A. Pshenichnikov, L. V. Kolik, N. I. Malykh, A. E. Petrov, M. A. Tereshchenko, N. K. Kharchev, and Yu. V. Khol'nov pp. 554-561 Full Text: PDF (113 kB) DUSTY PLASMA Formation of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dust Structures in an External Electric Field O. S. Vaulina, K. G. Adamovich, and I. E. Dranzhevskii pp. 562-569 Full Text: PDF (135 kB) Vortex Dust Structures in the Track Plasma of a Proton Beam V. E. Fortov, V. A. Rykov, V. S. Filinov, V. I. Vladimirov, L. V. Deputatova, O. F. Petrov, V. I. Molotkov, A. P. Budnik, P. P. D'yachenko, K. V. Rykov, and A. V. Khudyakov pp. 570-576 Full Text: PDF (211 kB) NONLINEAR PHENOMENA Equations for Nonlinear MHD Convection in Shearless Magnetic Systems V. P. Pastukhov pp. 577-590 Full Text: PDF (155 kB) PLASMA DYNAMICS A Simple Criterion for the Snowplowing Efficiency of the Working Gas in a kJ Plasma Focus V. Ya. Nikulin, S. N. Polukhin, and A. A. Tikhomirov pp. 591-595 Full Text: PDF (239 kB) PLASMA OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES On the Dispersion Properties of Waveguides Filled with a Magnetized Plasma G. I. Zaginaylov, V. I. Shcherbinin, and K. Shuenemann pp. 596-603 Full Text: PDF (112 kB) Some Properties of the Angular Power Distribution of Electromagnetic Waves Multiply Scattered in a Collisional Magnetized Turbulent Plasma V. G. Gavrilenko, A. V. Sorokin, G. V. Jandieri, and V. G. Jandieri pp. 604-615 Full Text: PDF (177 kB) LOW-TEMPERATURE PLASMA The Properties of High-Current High-Pressure Discharges �. A. Azizov, S. A. Kravchenko, and S. G. Solodovnikov pp. 616-620 Full Text: PDF (64 kB)en
dc.format.extent1379069 bytes
dc.format.extent3170 bytes
dc.format.mediumElectronic Resource.en_US
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.publisherStony Brook University.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 31en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 07en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.subjectPlasma Physics Reportsen
dc.titlePlasma Physics Reports V. 31, I. 07en
dc.description.contributorThe content contained herein is maintained and curated by the Preservation Department.en_US
dc.description.contributorThis record is revised and maintained by the content administrators from the Cataloging & Metadata Department.en_US
dc.publisher.locationStony Brook, NY.en_US

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