dc.description | JETP Letters -- October 10, 1997
Volume 66, Issue 7, pp. 475-546
Origin of a classical space in quantum inhomogeneous models
A. A. Kirillov and G. Montani
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Observation of laser satellites in a plasma produced by a femtosecond laser pulse
S. A. Pikuz, A. Maksimchuk, D. Umstadter, M. Nantel, I. Yu. Skobelev, A. Ya. Faenov, and A. Osterheld
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Crystalline fields in systems with exchange and magnetoelastic interaction
A. S. Mishchenko
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Diffractional enhancement of the Kerr magnetooptic effect
V. Eremenko, V. Novosad, V. Pishko, O. Geoffroy, Y. Souche, and B. Pannetier
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Direct observation of ferromagnetic order in electrochemically oxygenated La2CuO4 + delta
E. L. Vavilova and N. N. Garif'yanov
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Atomic structure and microtopography of interfaces between crystalline and amorphous phasees in tungsten
A. S. Bakai, I. M. Mikhailovskii, E. V. Sadanov, O. A. Velikodnaya, and T. I. Mazilova
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Size effects in the melting and crystallization temperatures of copper chloride nanocrystals in glass
P. M. Valov and V. I. Leiman
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Co/Pd and Co/Pd/CoNi multilayer films: Determination of the sign and magnitude of the exchange interaction of ferromagnetic layers separated by palladium layers
R. S. Iskhakov, Zh. M. Moroz, L. A. Chekanova, N. A. Shepeta, and E. E. Shalygina
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On edge states in superconductors with time inversion symmetry breaking
G. E. Volovik
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Near field scanning optical spectroscopy of InP single quantum dots
G. Guttroff, M. Bayer, A. Forchel, D. V. Kazantsev, M. K. Zundel, and K. Eberl
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Anomalous behavior of the structural parameters of YBa2Cu4O8 single crystals at the transition to the superconducting state
V. N. Molchanov, V. I. Simonov, M. K. Blomberg, and M. Yu. Merisalo
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Single-electron transistor effect in a two-terminal structure
S. V. Vyshenski
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Erratum: Semiclassical theory of the Coulomb anomaly [JETP Lett. 66, No. 3, 214���221 (10 August 1997)]
S. Levitov and A. V. Shytov
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