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dc.contributor.editorEditor of work here.en_US
dc.contributor.otherPreservation Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.contributor.otherCataloging & Metadata Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.descriptionleave(s) : ill; 28 cm.en_US
dc.descriptionSemiconductors -- June 1998 Volume 32, Issue 6, pp. 573-682 Boris Petrovich Zakharchenya (on his 70th birthday) Full Text: PDF (192 kB) The role of macrodefects in electronic and ionic processes in wide-band II���VI semiconductors B. R. Dzhumaev Full Text: PDF (89 kB) One-dimensional structures formed by low-temperature slip of dislocations that act as sources of dislocation absorption and emission in II���VI semiconductor crystals N. I. Tarbaev and G. A. Shepel'skii Full Text: PDF (121 kB) Study of the surface structure of tin dioxide layers for gas sensors by atomic-force microscopy M. V. Bestaev, D. Ts. Dimitrov, A. Yu. Il'in, V. A. Moshnikov, F. Tr�_ger, and F. Steitz Full Text: PDF (408 kB) Self-organizing nanoheterostructures in InGaAsP solid solutions L. S. Vavilova, A. V. Ivanova, V. A. Kapitonov, A. V. Murashova, I. S. Tarasov, I. N. Arsent'ev, N. A. Bert, Yu. G. Musikhin, N. A. Pikhtin, and N. N. Faleev Full Text: PDF (152 kB) Pressure-induced insulator���metal transition in electron-irradiated Pb1 ��� xSnxSe (x <= 0.03) alloys E. P. Skipetrov, E. A. Zvereva, B. B. Kovalev, and L. A. Skipetrova Full Text: PDF (116 kB) Identifying the parameters of impurity levels in high-resistance semiconductor crystals by means of thermally stimulated currents with dosed illumination of the samples P. G. Kasherininov and D. G. Matyukhin Full Text: PDF (91 kB) The nature of manganese luminescence centers in zinc sulfide single crystals M. F. Bulanyi, B. A. Polezhaev, and T. A. Prokof'ev Full Text: PDF (52 kB) Defect-formation processes in silicon doped with manganese and germanium K. P. Abdurakhmanov, Sh. B. Utamuradova, Kh. S. Daliev, S. G. Tadjy-Aglaeva, and R. M. �rgashev Full Text: PDF (50 kB) Structure of DX-like centers in narrow-band IV���VI semiconductors doped with group-III elements I. I. Ivanchik, D. R. Khokhlov, A. I. Belogorokhov, Z. Popovic, and N. Romcevic Full Text: PDF (101 kB) Infrared reflectance spectra and Raman spectra of CuxAg1 ��� xGaS2 solid solutions I. V. Bodnar' Full Text: PDF (110 kB) Analysis of capacitance-relaxation signals consisting of several exponentials L. S. Berman Full Text: PDF (51 kB) Charge-transfer theory in polycrystalline semiconductors with deep impurity centers K. M. Doshchanov Full Text: PDF (165 kB) Autosolitons in InSb in a magnetic field I. K. Kamilov, A. A. Stepurenko, and A. S. Kovalev Full Text: PDF (117 kB) The effect of a strong electric field on the conductivity of a MnGaInS4: Eu single crystal O. B. Tagiev, T. Sh. Gashimova, and I. M. Askerov Full Text: PDF (61 kB) Experimental manifestations of correlated hopping in the temperature dependences of the conductivity of doped CdTe N. V. Agrinskaya and V. I. Kozub Full Text: PDF (105 kB) Erbium impurity atoms in silicon V. F. Masterov, F. S. Nasredinov, P. P. Seregin, E. I. Terukov, and M. M. Mezdrogina Full Text: PDF (75 kB) Oxygen precipitates and the formation of thermal donors in silicon N. V. Vabishchevich, D. I. Brinkevich, and V. S. Prosolovich Full Text: PDF (52 kB) Induced photopleochroism of p-GaAlAs/p���n-GaAs structures A. Berdinobatov, N. Nazarov, V. M. Sarkisova, V. Yu. Rud', and Yu. V. Rud' Full Text: PDF (95 kB) Surface mobility and distribution of electrons in the accumulation layer of Ga2Se3/GaAs heterostructures V. F. Antyushin, D. A. Vlasov, and I. N. Arsent'ev Full Text: PDF (90 kB) The quantum Hall effect in a wide p-Ge1 ��� xSix/Ge/p-Ge1 ��� xSix potential well Yu. G. Arapov, V. N. Neverov, G. I. Kharus, N. G. Shelushinina, M. V. Yakunin, and O. A. Kuznetsov Full Text: PDF (156 kB) Elimination of the electron-phonon interaction in superlattices in a quantizing magnetic field O. V. Kibis Full Text: PDF (66 kB) Deep states in silicon delta-doped GaAs V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. M. Danil'tsev, A. V. Murel', O. I. Khrykin, and V. I. Shashkin Full Text: PDF (154 kB) Electron-phonon interaction and electron mobility in quantum-well type-II PbTe/PbS structures V. V. Bondarenko, V. V. Zabudskii, and F. F. Sizov Full Text: PDF (97 kB) Degradation of MOS tunnel structures at high current density I. V. Grekhov, A. F. Shulekin, and M. I. Veksler Full Text: PDF (96 kB) On the temperature and field dependences of the effective surface mobility in MIS structures V. A. Gergel', M. V. Timofeev, and A. P. Zelenyi Full Text: PDF (105 kB) Subthreshold characteristics of electrostatically controlled transistors and thyristors III. Buried gate A. S. Kyuregyan Full Text: PDF (158 kB)en
dc.format.extent2702871 bytes
dc.format.extent6779 bytes
dc.format.mediumElectronic Resource.en_US
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.publisherStony Brook University.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 32en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 06en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.titleSemiconductors V. 32, I. 06en
dc.description.contributorThe content contained herein is maintained and curated by the Preservation Department.en_US
dc.description.contributorThis record is revised and maintained by the content administrators from the Cataloging & Metadata Department.en_US
dc.publisher.locationStony Brook, NY.en_US

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