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dc.contributor.editorEditor of work here.en_US
dc.contributor.otherPreservation Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.contributor.otherCataloging & Metadata Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.descriptionleave(s) : ill; 28 cm.en_US
dc.descriptionSemiconductors -- November 2000 Volume 34, Issue 11, pp. 1229-1354 REVIEWS Silicon���Germanium Nanostructures with Quantum Dots: Formation Mechanisms and Electrical Properties O. P. Pchelyakov, Yu. B. Bolkhovityanov, A. V. Dvurechenskii, L. V. Sokolov, A. I. Nikiforov, A. I. Yakimov, and B. Voigtl�_nder pp. 1229-1247 Full Text: PDF (436 kB) ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND NONELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF SEMICONDUCTORS Internal Microstrain and Distribution of Composition and Cathodoluminescence over Lapped AlxGa1 ��� xN Epilayers on Sapphire A. S. Usikov, V. V. Tret'yakov, A. V. Bobyl', R. N. Kyutt, W. V. Lundin, B. V. Pushnyi, and N. M. Shmidt pp. 1248-1254 Full Text: PDF (164 kB) Epitaxial Deposition of InGaAsP Solid Solutions in the Miscibility Gap L. S. Vavilova, V. A. Kapitonov, A. V. Murashova, and I. S. Tarasov pp. 1255-1258 Full Text: PDF (293 kB) ELECTRONIC AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SEMICONDUCTORS Influence of Heat Treatment on Luminescence of Semi-Insulating Undoped GaAs Crystals K. D. Glinchuk, N. M. Litovchenko, A. V. Prokhorovich, and O. N. Stril'chuk pp. 1259-1263 Full Text: PDF (70 kB) Basic Principles of Postgrowth Annealing of CdTe:Cl Ingot to Obtain Semi-Insulating Crystals O. A. Matveev and A. I. Terent'ev pp. 1264-1269 Full Text: PDF (81 kB) A Quasi-Linear Photorefractive Effect in Silicon A. L. Filatov pp. 1270-1274 Full Text: PDF (63 kB) Fabrication and Photoelectronic Properties of ZnTe Single Crystals and Schottky Diodes G. A. Il'chuk, V. I. Ivanov-Omskii, V. Yu. Rud', Yu. V. Rud', R. N. Bekimbetov, and N. A. Ukrainets pp. 1275-1280 Full Text: PDF (84 kB) Quasi-localized States and Resonance Scattering of Particles by Defects in Semiconductor Crystals with Band Spectrum Structure S. E. Savotchenko pp. 1281-1286 Full Text: PDF (76 kB) Magneto-Optical Study of Bismuth at 80���280 K V. M. Grabov, K. G. Ivanov, and A. A. Zaitsev pp. 1287-1289 Full Text: PDF (52 kB) Stimulation of Luminescence in Graded-Gap AlxGa1 ��� xAs Semiconductors K. Pozela, R.-A. Bendorius, J. Pozela, and A. Silenas pp. 1290-1294 Full Text: PDF (72 kB) SEMICONDUCTOR STRUCTURES, INTERFACES, AND SURFACES Photoelectric Properties of Isotype and Anisotype Si/GaN:O Heterojunctions S. E. Aleksandrov, T. A. Gavrikova, and V. A. Zykov pp. 1295-1300 Full Text: PDF (90 kB) Nanorelief of a GaN Surface: the Effect of Sulfide Treatment V. N. Bessolov, Yu. V. Zhilyaev, E. E. Zavarin, M. E. Kompan, E. V. Konenkova, A. S. Usikov, and V. A. Fedirko pp. 1301-1304 Full Text: PDF (123 kB) The Dislocation Origin and Model of Excess Tunnel Current in GaP p���n Structures V. V. Evstropov, M. Dzhumaeva, Yu. V. Zhilyaev, N. Nazarov, A. A. Sitnikova, and L. M. Fedorov pp. 1305-1310 Full Text: PDF (161 kB) LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS Photoresistance of Si/Ge/Si Structures with Germanium Quantum Dots O. A. Shegai, K. S. Zhuravlev, V. A. Markov, A. I. Nikiforov, and O. P. Pchelyakov pp. 1311-1315 Full Text: PDF (80 kB) The Emission from the Structures with Arrays of Coupled Quantum Dots Grown by the Submonolayer Epitaxy in the Spectral Range of 1.3���1.4 ��m B. V. Volovik, D. S. Sizov, A. F. Tsatsul'nikov, Yu. G. Musikhin, N. N. Ledentsov, V. M. Ustinov, V. A. Egorov, V. N. Petrov, N. K. Polyakov, and G. �. Tsyrlin pp. 1316-1320 Full Text: PDF (133 kB) A Nonlinear Theory of Coherent Oscillations in a Resonance-Tunnel Diode in a Wide Frequency Range V. F. Elesin, I. Yu. Kateev, and A. I. Podlivaev pp. 1321-1326 Full Text: PDF (75 kB) Optical-Absorption Spectra of PbS/C-Based Fibonacci Superlattices with Phonon-Assisted Transitions S. F. Musikhin, O. V. Rabizo, V. I. Il'in, A. S. Fedorov, and L. V. Sharonova pp. 1327-1329 Full Text: PDF (38 kB) AMORPHOUS, VITREOUS, AND POROUS SEMICONDUCTORS Electrical Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Ge0.90Si0.1:Hx Films B. A. Nadzhafov pp. 1330-1333 Full Text: PDF (61 kB) Photoresponse and Electroluminescence of Silicon������ Structures L. V. Belyakov, D. N. Goryachev, and O. M. Sreseli pp. 1334-1337 Full Text: PDF (56 kB) PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Laser Waveguide with a Reverse Gradient of the Refractive Index E. Yu. Kotel'nikov, I. V. Kudryashov, M. G. Rastegaeva, A. A. Katsnel'son, A. S. Shkol'nik, and V. P. Evtikhiev pp. 1338-1340 Full Text: PDF (52 kB) The Power Density Giving Rise to Optical Degradation of Mirrors in InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs-Based Laser Diodes E. Yu. Kotel'nikov, A. A. Katsnel'son, I. V. Kudryashov, M. G. Rastegaeva, W. Richter, V. P. Evtikhiev, I. S. Tarasov, and Zh. I. Alferov pp. 1341-1342 Full Text: PDF (32 kB) InAsSb/InAsSbP Double-Heterostructure Lasers Emitting at 3���4 ��m: Part I T. N. Danilova, A. N. Imenkov, V. V. Sherstnev, and Yu. P. Yakovlev pp. 1343-1350 Full Text: PDF (110 kB) A Coherent Laser Based on a Two-Well Structure V. F. Elesin and A. V. Tsukanov pp. 1351-1354 Full Text: PDF (55 kB)en
dc.format.extent2216302 bytes
dc.format.extent7978 bytes
dc.format.mediumElectronic Resource.en_US
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.publisherStony Brook University.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 34en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 11en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.titleSemiconductors V. 34, I. 11en
dc.description.contributorThe content contained herein is maintained and curated by the Preservation Department.en_US
dc.description.contributorThis record is revised and maintained by the content administrators from the Cataloging & Metadata Department.en_US
dc.publisher.locationStony Brook, NY.en_US

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