dc.description | Low Temperature Physics -- June 2005
Volume 31, Issue 6, pp. 459-545
Three-phonon relaxation in isotropic and anisotropic phonon systems of liquid helium at different pressures
I. N. Adamenko, K. E. Nemchenko, V. A. Slipko, Yu. A. Kitsenko, and A. F. G. Wyatt
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Heat capacity of a p-H2���p-D2���Ne solid solution: Effect of (p-D2)Ne clusters
M. I. Bagatskii, I. Ya. Minchina, and V. M. Bagatskii
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Multi-echo in phase-separated 3He���4He solid solutions under NMR conditions
N. P. Mikhin and V. A. Maidanov
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Electrical resistivity of Ti41.5Zr41.5Ni17 quasicrystals in the temperature region 0.3���300 K
V. M. Azhazha, G. Ya. Khadzhay, B. A. Merisov, S. V. Malikhin, A. T. Pugachov, H. R. Ott, and A. V. Sologubenko
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Stationary Josephson effect in a weak link between nonunitary triplet superconductors
G. Rashedi and Yu. A. Kolesnichenko
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On the influence of magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities on the properties of yttrium-based high-Tc superconductors
J. G. Sanikidze, R. G. Kokhreidze, A. N. Mestvirishvili, G. A. Mumladze, S. V. Odenov, N. A. Papunashvili, and M. Ya. Chubabria
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On the theory of the electron spectrum and superconductivity of copper oxides as antiferromagnetic metals
V. M. Loktev
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Nonlinear interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a transport current in a hard superconductor
M. L. Nesterov, T. M. Slipchenko, and V. A. Yampol'skii
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Short-period oscillations of the resistivity and magnetoresistance in Co/Cu(111) superlattices on mica
V. V. Zorchenko, A. N. Stetsenko, A. G. Anders, and K. V. Kutko
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Description of a Heisenberg ferromagnet above the Curie point as a spin liquid
E. V. Kuz'min
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Phase transitions in a ferromagnet with biquadratic exchange and hexagonal single-ion anisotropy
Yu. A. Fridman, O. A. Kosmachev, and B. L. Eingorn
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Interplay between the spin state of manganese and the stability of the crystal structure of MnAs and MnP compounds
V. I. Valkov and A. V. Golovchan
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Energy pumping in a quantum nanoelectromechanical system
T. Nord and L.Y. Gorelik
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Nondissipative current in a quantum wire
N. M. Guseinov and S. M. Seyid-Rzayeva
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Low-temperature anomalies of the physico-mechanical characteristics of pseudoamorphous titanium nickelide
A. S. Bakai, V. V. Brik, V. M. Kuzmenko, M. V. Lazareva, I. M. Neklyudov, Ya. D. Starodubov, T. P. Chernyaeva, and V. M. Gorbatenko
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Viktor Nikitich Grigor'ev (on his 75th birthday)
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