dc.description | Physics of the Solid State -- July 1998
Volume 40, Issue 7, pp. 1079-1264
Fermi surface of doped lithium
V. A. Popov
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Characteristics of the thermodynamics of the electronic subsystem in intercalated titanium dichalcogenides
A. N. Titov and A. V. Dolgoshein
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Insulator-metal transition in the single-crystal high-Tc superconductor Bi-2201
T. M. Burbaev and V. A. Kurbatov
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Correlation between the electric-field effect and weak-link type in YBa2Cu3 ��� xOy and YBa2Cu3 ��� xOy/Agx high-Tc superconducting ceramics
T. S. Orlova, B. I. Smirnov, and J. Y. Laval
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Magnetostriction of the high-temperature non-cuprate superconductor BaBiKO
V. V. Eremenko, V. A. Sirenko, G. Shimchak, A. Nabyalek, S. N. Barilo, V. I. Gatal'skaya, and S. V. Shiryaev
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Effect of low-level Ge additions on the superconducting transition in PbTe:Tl
S. A. Nemov, M. K. Zhitinskaya, R. V. Parfen'ev, and D. V. Shamshur
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Effect of phonon scattering from neutral and charged impurity centers on the lattice heat conductivity of PbTe:(Tl, Na)
M. K. Zhitinskaya, S. A. Nemov, and Yu. I. Ravich
Full Text: PDF (69 kB)
Contribution of nonequilibrium optical phonons to the Peltier and Seebeck effects in polar semiconductors
Yu. V. Ivanov, V. K. Zaitsev, and M. I. Fedorov
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Deep impurity states and intrinsic defects in photorefractive Cd1 ��� xFexTe crystals
Yu. P. Gnatenko, R. V. Gamernik, I. A. Farina, and P. I. Babii
Full Text: PDF (95 kB)
Influence of structural characteristics on the thermal conductivity of polycrystalline diamond films
A. N. Obraztsov, I. Yu. Pavlovskii, H. Okushi, and H. Watanabe
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Luminescence of self-trapped excitons in calcium fluoride under pulsed electron irradiation
E. P. Chinkov and V. F. Shtan'ko
Full Text: PDF (48 kB)
Time-resolved spectroscopy of self-trapped excitons in fluorides of alkaline-earth metals under pulsed electron irradiation
V. F. Shtan'ko and E. P. Chinkov
Full Text: PDF (107 kB)
Spin���spin and spin���lattice relaxation of nitrogen in electron irradiated and annealed synthetic diamond
G. G. Fedoruk, E. M. Shishonok, and V. B Shipilo
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Hole-electron mechanism of F���H pair generation in RbCl crystals with impurity electron traps
E. A. Vasil'chenko, I. A. Kudryavtseva, A. Ch. Lushchik, Ch. B. Lushchik, and A. A. Maaroos
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Thermooptic investigation of impurity centers in Cu-doped Bi12SiO20 crystals
T. V. Panchenko
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Resonant two-photon absorption in a tetragonal CdP2
I. I. Patskun, I. I. Tychina, and I. A. Kolesnik
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Influence of x irradiation on internal friction in silicon
N. P. Kulish, P. A. Maksimyuk, N. A. Mel'nikova, A. P. Onanko, and A. M. Strutinskii
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Kinetics of brittle fracture of elastic materials
A. A. Vakulenko and S. A. Kukushkin
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Deformation characteristics of nanocrystalline copper and nickel at low temperatures
V. V. Shpeizman, V. I. Nikolaev, B. I. Smirnov, V. V. Vetrov, S. A. Pul'nev, and V. I. Kopylov
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Thermal stability of submicrocrystalline copper strengthened with HfO2 nanoparticles in the temperature range 20���500 ��C
A. B. Lebedev, S. A. Pul'nev, V. V. Vetrov, Yu. A. Burenkov, V. I. Kopylov, and K. V. Betekhtin
Full Text: PDF (55 kB)
Atomic structure and transport and magnetic properties of the Sm1 ��� xSrxMnO3 system
S. M. Dunaevskii, A. I. Kurbakov, V. A. Trunov, D. Yu. Chernyshov, V. V. Popov, V. V. Chernyshev, and J. Rodr�_duez-Carvajal
Full Text: PDF (207 kB)
Investigation of micromagnetism and magnetic reversal of Ni nanoparticles using a magnetic force microscope
A. A. Bukharaev, D. V. Ovchinnikov, N. I. Nurgazizov, E. F. Kukovitskii, M. Klaiber, and R. Wiesendanger
Full Text: PDF (6712 kB)
Universal effective coupling constants for the generalized Heisenberg model
A. I. Sokolov
Full Text: PDF (133 kB)
Anisotropy characteristics in a Permalloy film induced by a nonuniform magnetic field
B. A. Belyaev, V. P. Kononov, and S. G. Ovchinnikov
Full Text: PDF (84 kB)
Study of the magnetic state of a highly dispersed BaO �� 6Fe2O3 system with near-critical particle size
Z. V. Golubenko, L. P. Ol'khovik, Z. I. Sizova, and A. S. Kamzin
Full Text: PDF (88 kB)
Effects of magnetic structure distortion near a ��+ meson in ��SR spectroscopy
Yu. P. Irkhin and V. Yu. Irkhin
Full Text: PDF (159 kB)
Nature of fractal formations at the surface of ferroelectric crystals having a broad phase transition
V. A. Isupov
Full Text: PDF (39 kB)
Low-temperature electrical conductivity of congruent lithium niobate crystals
I. Sh. Akhmadullin, V. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, S. A. Migachev, and S. P. Mironov
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Ferroelectric phase transition in LaBSiO5 crystals from results of thermal and dielectric measurements
B. A. Strukov, E. P. Ragula, S. Yu. Stefanovich, I. V. Shnaidshtein, S. V. Arkhangel'skaya, and A. Onodera
Full Text: PDF (63 kB)
The shape of inhomogeneously broadened resonant lines due to nonlinear contributions
M. D. Glinchuk and S. N. Nokhrin
Full Text: PDF (113 kB)
Domain-wall mobility in irradiated triglycine sulfate
L. N. Kamysheva, O. M. Golitsyna, and T. N. Podgornaya
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Dipole order and stability of the ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states in lead zirconate
A. V. Leyderman, I. N. Leont'ev, O. E. Fesenko, and N. G. Leon'tev
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Effect of gamma irradiation on the low-temperature electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of TlGaSe2 crystals
A. U. Sheleg, K. V. Iodkovskaya, and N. F. Kurilovich
Full Text: PDF (74 kB)
Disorder-order phase transformations and electrical resistivity of nonstoichiometric titanium carbide
V. N. Lipatnikov, L. V. Zueva, A. I. Gusev, and A. Kottar
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Phase transitions in RbxK1 ��� xLiSO4 mixed crystals
S. V. Mel'nikova, M. V. Gorev, and V. A. Grankina
Full Text: PDF (103 kB)
Boundary conditions for narrow-gap heterostructures described by the Dirac equation
A. P. Silin and S. V. Shubenkov
Full Text: PDF (94 kB)
Linear circular dichroism in nonlinear absorption of light in a quantum well
R. Ya. Rasulov, Yu. E. Salenko, T. �ski, and A. Tukhtamatov
Full Text: PDF (97 kB)
Quantum crystallization of two-dimensional dipole systems
Yu. E. Lozovik and O. L. Berman
Full Text: PDF (131 kB)
Influence of the surface on the elastic properties of liquid crystals
A. V. Zakharov and L. V. Mirantsev
Full Text: PDF (98 kB)
Depth of formation of a reflected soft x-ray beam under conditions of specular reflection
E. O. Filatova, A. S. Shulakov, and V. A. Luk'yanov
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Electron focusing in backscattering from single-crystal Si(100)
I. I. Pronin, N. S. Faradzhev, and M. V. Gomoyunova
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Echo response in ferroelectric liquid crystals
V. A. Popov and A. R. Kessel'
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In and Si distribution in synthetic opals
V. V. Ratnikov, D. A. Kurdyukov, and L. M. Sorokin
Full Text: PDF (59 kB)
Calculation of the binding energy of electrons and positrons in a dielectric cluster
V. V. Pogosov and I. T. Yakubov
Full Text: PDF (74 kB)
Structure and melting of dipole clusters
Yu. E. Lozovik and E. A. Rakoch
Full Text: PDF (116 kB)
Some comparative thermodynamic characteristics of fullerite and various covalent elements
V. D. Blank, A. A. Nuzhdin, V. M. Prokhorov, and R. Kh. Bagramov
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Erratum: Production, structure and microhardness of nanocrystalline Ni���Mo���B alloys [Phys. Solid State 40, 8���13 (January 1998)]
G. E. Abrosimova, A. S. Aronin, I. I. Zver'kova, A. F. Gurov, and Yu. V. Kir'yanov
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