dc.description | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- July 1997
Volume 85, Issue 1, pp. 1-208
Theory of superfluidity of nuclear matter based on the Fermi-liquid approach
A. I. Akhiezer, A. A. Isaev, S. V. Peletminskii, A. P. Rekalo, and A. A. Yatsenko
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Synchrotron and annihilation channels for axion production in an external electromagnetic field
V. V. Skobelev
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Indirect determination of the ratio R = sigmaL/sigmaT at small x from HERA data
A. V. Kotikov and G. Parente
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Restoration of selection rules in nonadiabatic resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
F. Gel'mukhanov, T. Privalov, and H. �gren
Full Text: PDF (177 kB)
Relativistic wave equation for the bound states of a system of interacting particles
A. I. Agafonov and �. A. Manykin
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Correlation echoes in the stochastic excitation of inhomogeneously broadened two-level systems
S. A. Baruzdin
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Production of heavy atomic clusters upon interaction of laser radiation with matter
Yu. P. Gangrskii, S. G. Zemlyanoi, B. N. Markov, G. V. Myshinskii, V. O. Nesterenko, I. V. Vorykhalov, I. N. Izosimov, A. A. Rimskii-Korsakov, and V. V. Smirnov
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High-order optical-harmonic generation in films of nonmetallic crystals
V. A. Kovarskii
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Polarization characteristics of the "forbidden" second optical harmonic of femtosecond laser pulses in a bacteriorhodopsin solution
A. V. Balakin, N. I. Koroteev, A. V. Pakulev, A. P. Shkurinov, D. Boucher, P. Masselin, and E. Fertein
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Tunneling ionization of Rydberg molecules
B. A. Zon
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Features of the photon statistics of two coupled electromagnetic field modes under the conditions of strong mode coupling
M. E. Veisman and S. Yu. Kalmykov
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Optical pumping in a Lambda-system by parametric luminescence light
D. V. Kupriyanov and I. M. Sokolov
Full Text: PDF (285 kB)
Nonlocality of relative diffusion
O. V. Tel'kovskaya and K. V. Chukbar
Full Text: PDF (95 kB)
Excitonic light-absorption and amplification bands in the presence of laser radiation
S. A. Moskalenko and V. G. Pavlov
Full Text: PDF (177 kB)
The effect of a local field on Raman scattering in a uniaxial crystal
M. V. Gorkunov and M. I. Ryazanov
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Suppression of superconductivity close to the metal���insulator transition in strongly disordered systems
�. Z. Kuchinskii, M. V. Sadovskii, and M. A. �rkabaev
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Anomalies of the baric and temperature dependences of the elastic characteristics of ice during solid-phase amorphization and the phase transition in the amorphous state
E. L. Gromnitskaya, O. V. Stal'gorova, and V. V. Brazhkin
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Influence of a nonmagnetic impurity on the properties of the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsNiCl3
S. S. Sosin, I. A. Zaliznyak, L. A. Prozorova, Yu. M. Tsipenyuk, and S. V. Petrov
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Long-lived excited impurity states in diamond-like semiconductors
Ya. E. Pokrovskii, O. I. Smirnova, and N. A. Khvalkovskii
Full Text: PDF (154 kB)
High quantum efficiency of intersubband transitions in coherent tunneling of electrons through asymmetric double-barrier structures
E. I. Golant and A. B. Pashkovskii
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Photoinduced light absorption by C60 films in the 0.08���4.0-eV spectral range
A. V. Bazhenov, A. V. Gorbunov, M. Yu. Maksimuk, and T. N. Fursova
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Kinetics of avalanche mixing of granular materials
S. N. Dorogovtsev
Full Text: PDF (259 kB)
The mass of a large polaron
A. �. Myasnikova and �. N. Myasnikov
Full Text: PDF (118 kB)
Magnetic and structural correlations in EuMn2O5 and BiMn2O5 crystals in the paramagnetic temperature range
E. I. Golovenchits, V. A. Sanina, and A. V. Babinskii
Full Text: PDF (144 kB)
Superconductivity fluctuations in a one-dimensional two-band electron���phonon model with strong repulsive interactions
S. I. Matveenko, A. R. Bishop, and A. V. Balatsky
Full Text: PDF (136 kB)
Influence of an isolated magnetic impurity on an unconventional superconducting state
Yu. S. Barash, A. G. Grishin, and M. Sigrist
Full Text: PDF (196 kB)
Calculation of the effective permeability of a randomly inhomogeneous porous medium
�. V. Teodorovich
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Role of decay processes in the propagation of slightly nonequilibrium thermal-pulse phonons in YAlO3:Lu crystals
B. A. Danil'chenko, D. V. Poplavskii, S. N. Ivanov, A. V. Taranov, and E. N. Khazanov
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Microphase separation in multiblock copolymers
S. V. Panyukov and I. I. Potemkin
Full Text: PDF (142 kB)
Resonant Josephson tunneling through S-I-S junctions of arbitrary size
I. A. Devyatov and M. Yu. Kupriyanov
Full Text: PDF (130 kB)
Effect of interparticle interactions on radiative lifetime of photoexcited electron���hole system in GaAs quantum wells
L. V. Kulik, A. I. Tartakovskii, A. V. Larionov, E. S. Borovitskaya, and V. D. Kulakovskii
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Adsorption of cesium atoms at structural defects on sapphire surfaces
A. M. Bonch-Bruevich, T. A. Vartanyan, Yu. N. Maksimov, S. G. Przhibel'skii, and V. V. Khromov
Full Text: PDF (87 kB)
Topological characteristics of electronic spectra of single crystals
I. A. Dynnikov and A. Ya. Maltsev
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