dc.description | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- December 1997
Volume 85, Issue 6, pp. 1049-1239
Splitting of a high-energy photon in a strong Coulomb field
R. N. Li, A. I. Mil'shtein, and V. M. Strakhovenko
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Semiclassical quantization of SU(3) skyrmions
V. B. Kopeliovich
Full Text: PDF (244 kB)
The diffraction mechanism of electron���positron pair photoproduction
A. I. Akhiezer and N. P. Merenkov
Full Text: PDF (136 kB)
Ionization of hydrogen and helium atoms by highly charged fast ions in collisions with small momentum transfer
A. B. Voitkiv
Full Text: PDF (153 kB)
Coherence effects accompanying generation of high-order harmonics
D. F. Zaretskii and �. A. Nersesov
Full Text: PDF (130 kB)
Evolution of polarization in an inhomogeneous isotropic medium
N. I. Petrov
Full Text: PDF (173 kB)
Nonlinear diffraction in spontaneous three-wave and coherent four-wave light scattering by polaritons
G. Kh. Kitaeva, A. A. Mikhailovskii, and A. N. Penin
Full Text: PDF (3753 kB)
Propagation of a beam of gamma rays in the field of a monochromatic laser wave
V. A. Maisheev
Full Text: PDF (199 kB)
Ordered structures in a nonideal dusty glow-discharge plasma
A. M. Lipaev, V. I. Molotkov, A. P. Nefedov, O. F. Petrov, V. M. Torchinskii, V. E. Fortov, A. G. Khrapak, and S. A. Khrapak
Full Text: PDF (154 kB)
Surface driven transition in a nematic liquid crystal cell
D. Andrienko, Yu. Kurioz, Yu. Reznikov, and V. Reshetnyak
Full Text: PDF (147 kB)
Magnetohydrodynamics of a viscous spherical layer rotating in a strong potential field
S. V. Starchenko
Full Text: PDF (277 kB)
Low field magnetic response of the granular superconductor La1.8Sr0.2CuO4
L. Leylekian, M. Ocio, L. A. Gurevich, and M. V. Feigel'man
Full Text: PDF (408 kB)
Characteristic time of avalanche mixing of granular materials
S. N. Dorogovtsev
Full Text: PDF (110 kB)
The Ginzburg���Landau expansion and the slope of the upper critical field in superconductors with anisotropic normal-impurity scattering
A. I. Posazhennikova and M. V. Sadovskii
Full Text: PDF (172 kB)
Investigation of a magnetic phase transition in fcc iron���nickel alloys
S. V. Grigor'ev, S. A. Klimko, S. V. Maleev, A. I. Okorokov, V. V. Runov, and D. Yu. Chernyshov
Full Text: PDF (253 kB)
Effect of electroelastic anisotropy of DNA-like molecules on their tertiary structure
V. L. Golo, Yu. M. Evdokimov, and E. I. Kats
Full Text: PDF (436 kB)
Drift of vertical Bloch lines in a domain wall with a noninterchangeable spectrum in perpendicularly magnetized films
G. E. Khodenkov
Full Text: PDF (116 kB)
Galvanomagnetic properties of the new organic metal ET2TlHg(S0.45Se0.55CN)4
S. I. Pesotskii, A. E. Kovalev, P. Boehm, W. Biberacher, K. Andres, M. V. Kartsovnik, N. D. Kushch, E. B. Yagubskii, and K. V. Van
Full Text: PDF (84 kB)
Modeling a dimer state in CuGeO3 in the two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with alternated exchange interaction
S. S. Aplesnin
Full Text: PDF (168 kB)
Anomalous Hall effect in granular alloys
A. V. Vedyaev, A. B. Granovskii, A. V. Kalitsov, and F. Brouers
Full Text: PDF (157 kB)
Temperature dependence of surface impedance of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 ��� delta and YBa2Cu3O6.95 single crystals measured in the microwave band
A. A. Zhukov, M. R. Trunin, A. T. Sokolov, and N. N. Kolesnikov
Full Text: PDF (182 kB)
Contributions to the theory of ferromagnetism in the degenerate Hubbard model
R. O. Zaitsev
Full Text: PDF (198 kB)
Generation of soliton packets in a two-level laser
A. A. Zabolotskii
Full Text: PDF (167 kB)
Dynamics of two-dimensional radiating vortices described by the nonlinear Schr�_dinger equation
I. A. Ivonin
Full Text: PDF (151 kB)
Erratum: Spin liquid in an almost ferromagnetic Kondo lattice [JETP 85, 399���414 (August 1997)]
K. A. Kikoin, M. N. Kiselev, and A. S. Mishchenko
Full Text: PDF (20 kB)
Erratum: Inelastic light scattering by electrons and plasmons in metals [JETP 85, 370���375 (August 1997)]
L. A. Falkovsky
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