dc.description | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- February 1998
Volume 86, Issue 2, pp. 213-420
Possible observation of electromagnetic cascades in extragalactic space
A. V. Uryson
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Fabry���Perot cavity in the field of a gravitational wave
M. V. Sazhin
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Bound states of the muon���antimuon system: lifetimes and hyperfine splitting
S. G. Karshenboim, V. G. Ivanov, U. D. Jentschura, and G. Soff
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Theory of transfer with delay for trapping of nonstationary acoustic radiation in a resonant randomly inhomogeneous medium
Yu. N. Barabanenkov and M. Yu. Barabanenkov
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Interference phenomena in Doppler broadened quantum transitions: amplification of intense radiation without population inversion
A. K. Popov, V. M. Kuchin, and S. A. Myslivets
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Polarization fields in the positronium atom undergoing emission or absorption of optical photons
O. N. Gadomskii and S. G. Moiseev
Full Text: PDF (252 kB)
Effect of the initial charge and charge-state fluctuations on the range parameters of high-energy ions
F. F. Komarov and A. F. Komarov
Full Text: PDF (126 kB)
Influence of the Stark effect on multiphoton ionization of atoms when the dynamic polarizability depends strongly on the laser frequency
I. I. Bondar' and V. V. Suran
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Self-action of intense electromagnetic radiation in an electron���positron vacuum
N. N. Rozanov
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Selective reflection of resonance radiation from excited media
B. A. Veklenko, R. B. Gusarov, and Yu. B. Sherkunov
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Two-electron excitations in helium-like ions by inelastic photon scattering
M. Ya. Amus'ya, A. I. Mikhailov, and I. A. Mikhailov
Full Text: PDF (167 kB)
High-order perturbation theory for the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
V. M. Vainberg, V. A. Gani, and A. E. Kudryavtsev
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Scattering of atoms in the field of counterpropagating light waves. Effect of initial conditions
V. I. Romanenko and L. P. Yatsenko
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Rotation and alignment of diatomic molecules and their molecular ions in strong laser fields
M. E. Sukharev and V. P. Krainov
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Ionization of a molecular hydrogen ion by a strong low-frequency electromagnetic field of laser radiation
M. B. Smirnov and V. P. Krainov
Full Text: PDF (124 kB)
Numerical modeling of the photoionization of Rydberg atoms by the field of an electromagnetic wave
E. A. Volkova, A. M. Popov, and O. V. Tikhonova
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Integrals of the motion and exact solutions of the problem of two dispersing delta-wells
V. I. Man'ko and A. S. Chikhachev
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Oscillatory disintegration of nonevolutionary magnetohydrodynamic discontinuities
S. A. Markovskii
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Filamentation and stimulated Brillouin scattering in a turbulent plasma
K. N. Ovchinnikov, V. P. Silin, and S. A. Uryupin
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Negative viscosity for Rossby wave and drift wave turbulence
A. V. Chechkin, M. I. Kopp, V. V. Yanovsky, and A. V. Tur
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Combinatorial analysis of Feynman diagrams in problems with a Gaussian random field
�. Z. Kuchinskii and M. V. Sadovskii
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Vacancy formation energy in icosahedral structures
V. V. Kovshevnyi, D. V. Olenev, and Yu. Kh. Vekilov
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Transverse runaway of hot electrons and the electron-temperature approximation
Z. S. Kachlishvili and F. G. Chumburidze
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Conductivity and persistent photoconductivity in GaAs epitaxial films containing single and double delta-doped layers
V. V. Valyaev, V. L. Gurtovoi, D. Yu. Ivanov, S. V. Morozov, V. V. Sirotkin, Yu. V. Dubrovskii, S. Yu. Shapoval, Yu. N. Khanin, E. E. Vdovin, and A. N. Pustovit
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Fine structure of localized exciton levels in quantum wells
S. V. Gupalov, E. L. Ivchenko, and A. V. Kavokin
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Electronic structure and superconductivity of kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X salts
V. A. Ivanov, E. A. Ugolkova, and M. E. Zhuravlev
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Long-lived excited states and photoluminescence excitation spectra in single crystals of fullerene C60
V. V. Kveder, V. D. Negrii, �. A. Shteinman, A. N. Izotov, Yu. A. Osip'yan, and R. K. Nikolaev
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Self-consistent solutions of the problem of the interaction of a two-frequency field with a system of three-level atoms in the form of a phase-modulated simulton and a Raman soliton
A. V. Andreev
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Erratum: Spectral properties of backward stimulated scattering in liquid carbon disulfide [JETP 85, 850���856 (November 1997)]
Guang S. He, Yiping Cui, and Paras N. Prasad
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