dc.description | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- June 1999
Volume 88, Issue 6, pp. 1051-1242
Effects related to spacetime foam in particle physics
A. A. Kirillov
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Initial mass spectrum of black holes in galactic nuclei
Yu. N. Eroshenko and M. I. Zel'nikov
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Dynamics of Mandel'shtam���Brillouin induced scattering during self-focusing of a laser beam
N. E. Andreev, M. V. Chegotov, and L. M. Gorbunov
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Field splitting of a nonabsorbing state
D. A. Shapiro
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Subthreshold resonances in three-particle molecular systems
F. M. Pen'kov
Full Text: PDF (168 kB)
Multiphoton ionization of molecules under the conditions of strong field-induced perturbation of Rydberg states
G. K. Ivanov and G. B. Golubkov
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Removal of single-atom optical bistability by quantum fluctuations
A. V. Kozlovskii and A. N. Oraevskii
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Multiple ionization of a Thomas���Fermi cluster by a strong electromagnetic field
M. B. Smirnov and V. P. Krainov
Full Text: PDF (79 kB)
Effect of a dust component on the rates of elementary processes in low-temperature plasmas
V. V. Ivanov, T. V. Rakhimova, A. O. Serov, N. V. Suetin, and A. F. Pal'
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Theory of stimulated nonresonant emission from relativistic beams
D. N. Klochkov, M. Yu. Pekar, and A. A. Rukhadze
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Observation of ions with energies above 100 keV produced by the interaction of a 60-fs laser pulse with clusters
S. Dobosz, M. Schmidt, M. Perdrix, P. Meynadier, O. Gobert, D. Normand, K. Ellert, T. Blenski, A. Ya. Faenov, A. I. Magunov, T. A. Pikuz, I. Yu. Skobelev, and N. E. Andreev
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Role of stochastic fluctuations in the charge on macroscopic particles in dusty plasmas
O. S. Vaulina, A. P. Nefedov, O. F. Petrov, and S. A. Khrapak
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Nuclear reactions triggered by laser-accelerated high-energy ions
V. Yu. Bychenkov, V. T. Tikhonchuk, and S. V. Tolokonnikov
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Rarefaction wave and gravitational equilibrium in a two-phase liquid���vapor medium
N. A. Inogamov, S. I. Anisimov, and B. Retfeld
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Multiquantum triple-pulse spin-echo signals from quadrupole nuclei in magnetically ordered substances
V. N. Berzhanskii, A. I. Gorbovanov, and S. N. Polulyakh
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Subdiffusion and stable laws
V. V. Uchaikin
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Feasibility of measuring the average sizes of diamagnetic domains by the ��SR2 method
A. S. Baturin and V. N. Gorelkin
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Critical behavior of a degenerate ferromagnet in a uniaxial random field: exact results in a space of arbitrary dimension
D. �. Fel'dman
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Generation, dynamics, and collisions of bending waves at domain boundaries in yttrium orthoferrite
M. V. Chetkin, Yu. N. Kurbatova, A. I. Akhutkina, and T. B. Shapaeva
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Lattice vibrations of alpha[prime]-NaV2O5
M. N. Popova, A. B. Sushkov, S. A. Golubchik, B. N. Mavrin, V. N. Denisov, B. Z. Malkin, A. I. Iskhakova, M. Isobe, and Y. Ueda
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Behavior of the p���T phase diagram of the organic conductor (ET)4Hg3I8
A. V. Kornilov, V. M. Pudalov, A. P. Kochkin, R. N. Lyubovskaya, and R. B. Lyubovskii
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Peculiarities of crystal field effects in CeInCu2 based heavy-fermion compounds
V. N. Lazukov, P. A. Alekseev, E. S. Klement'ev, I. P. Sadikov, N. B. Kol'chugina, and O. D. Chistyakov
Full Text: PDF (118 kB)
"Symmetrical" phase and collective excitations in the proton system of ice
I. A. Ryzhkin
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Nonuniform electron states near cleaved bismuth surface
A. M. Troyanovskii and V. S. �del'man
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Nuclear magnetic resonance of 55Mn in the antiferromagnet CsMnBr3 in a variable longitudinal magnetic field
B. S. Dumesh, M. I. Kurkin, S. V. Petrov, and A. M. Tikhonov
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Nonlinear microwave response of YBCO single crystal in constant magnetic field
V. V. Bol'ginov, V. M. Genkin, G. I. Leviev, and L. V. Ovchinnikova
Full Text: PDF (124 kB)
Toward a theory of nuclear relaxation in dielectric glasses at ultralow temperatures
Yu. Kagan, L. A. Maksimov, and I. Ya. Polishchuk
Full Text: PDF (99 kB)
Erratum: Quasi-collinear and partially degenerate four-wave mixing: an alternative explanation of the phase-conjugation property of backward stimulated scattering [JETP 88, 235���245 (February 1999)]
Dun Liu and Guang S. He
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