dc.description | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- October 1999
Volume 89, Issue 4, pp. 597-810
Identification of extragalactic cosmic-ray sources using data from various detection facilities
A. V. Uryson
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Topological interpretation of quantum numbers
S. A. Bulgadaev
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Temperature dependence of superradiance intensity
E. V. Orlenko and B. G. Matisov
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Radiative properties of diamagnetic levels in atoms: dependence of transition probability on magnetic field strength
V. D. Ovsyannikov and V. V. Chernushin
Full Text: PDF (162 kB)
Escape into vacuum of fast electrons generated by oblique incidence of an ultrashort, high-power laser pulse on a solid target
A. A. Andreev, I. A. Litvinenko, and K. Yu. Platonov
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Relativistic ponderomotive forces
D. R. Bituk and M. V. Fedorov
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Spontaneous interference bremsstrahlung effect in the scattering of a relativistic electron by a nucleus in the field of two light waves
S. P. Roshchupkin and O. B. Lysenko
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Resonances and dichroism in the scattering of an electron in an intense laser field by the Coulomb potential
L. P. Rapoport and A. S. Kornev
Full Text: PDF (80 kB)
Photoinduced chirality of hydrogen peroxide molecules
B. A. Grishanin and V. N. Zadkov
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Negative magnetic viscosity in two dimensions
A. V. Chechkin
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Anomalous burn-through of thin foils by high-intensity laser radiation
V. V. Ivanov, A. V. Kutsenko, I. G. Lebo, A. A. Matsveiko, Yu. A. Mikhailov, V. P. Osetrov, A. I. Popov, V. B. Rozanov, G. V. Sklizkov, A. N. Starodub, V. V. Nikishin, and V. F. Tishkin
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Two-dimensional mesoscopic dusty plasma clusters: structure and phase transitions
G. E. Astrakharchik, A. I. Belousov, and Yu. E. Lozovik
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Light-induced drift of aerosol particles in gas mixtures
V. G. Chernyak and O. V. Klitenik
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Experimental indication of macroscopic polarization parallel to the tilt plane in free-standing films of ferroelectric liquid crystals 8SI* and DOBAMBC
P. O. Andreeva, V. K. Dolganov, C. Gors, and R. Fouret
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Spin-wave susceptibility of partially randomized ferromagnetic superlattices
V. A. Ignatchenko, Yu. I. Man'kov, and A. V. Pozdnyakov
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Spontaneous and field-induced magnetic phase transitions in the intermetallic compounds (Gd1���xYx) Mn2Ge2
A. Yu. Sokolov, Guo Guanghua, S. A. Granovskii, R. Z. Levitin, H. Wada, M. Shiga, and T. Goto
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Nonlinear domain-wall dynamics in a system of two magnetic layers
A. K. Zvezdin and V. V. Kostyuchenko
Full Text: PDF (72 kB)
On the optimal void fraction in the thermodynamics of a simple liquid
V. S. Vorob'ev
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Existence criteria for Landau���Pekar polarons
�. N. Myasnikov and A. �. Myasnikova
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Ergodic theorem for an impurity spin subsystem in a paramagnet
F. S. Dzheparov
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Combined polaron states in magnetooptical effects in a quantum well
L. I. Korovin, I. G. Lang, and S. T. Pavlov
Full Text: PDF (156 kB)
Kinetic properties of a system of spatially separated excitons and electrons in the presence of a Bose condensate of excitons
Yu. E. Lozovik and M. V. Nikitkov
Full Text: PDF (83 kB)
Quantum glass transition in a periodic long-range Josephson array
D. M. Kagan, M. V. Feigel'man, and L. B. Ioffe
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Critical behavior of conductivity in two-phase, highly inhomogeneous composites
A. A. Snarskii, K. V. Slipchenko, and V. A. Sevryukov
Full Text: PDF (116 kB)
Hypersensitivity to weak ac signals induced by colored multiplicative noise in a system with on-off intermittency
O. V. Gerashchenko
Full Text: PDF (53 kB)
Hypersensitivity of a nonlinear system with multiplicative colored noise to an external periodic signal
S. L. Ginzburg and M. A. Pustovoit
Full Text: PDF (125 kB)
Erratum: Squeezed states and quantum chaos [JETP 86, 61���70 (January 1998)]
K. N. Alekseev and D. S. Primak
Full Text: PDF (9 kB)
Erratum: Spectral investigations of surface ordering in ultrathin molecular films [JETP 88, 10051009 (May 1999)]
V. K. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, and K. P. Meletov
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